Alcalá 1979

WOMENS BASKETBALL formed the nucleus of a strong ballclub, including Sharon Butler, Michele Grier, Lori Guriom, Beth McGilley, Ro Mendez, Libby O' onnor, and Vicky Rei ll e. ow that athletic scholarships may be awarded there is hope in recruiting better players for the future, and for the expectation of competing in AIAW Division I by 1980.

Womens Ba ketball is fin ally on D. In only their third year, the girls played a full schedule of 24 game against uch top night competition as an Diego tate, Peppcrdine, al tale Dominguez llill , and D. irst year coach Bonnie Bass had to cope with apathy a many girls quit the team. Tho e who remained the move at

haron Butler, Lori Guriom, Vicky Reille, Libby O'Connor, Michele Grier, Front: Candi Sullivan, Beth McGille) .

oach Bonn ie Bass,

L to R:


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