Alcalá 1979


of last year.

"Follow through" and " ice and easy" are common cues for the novice tennis player, but not so for the D Women's Tennis Team. last car, the girl scored I2 and 3 out of 15 matches, but this year the team expectations were not as high. The loss of two star players from last year caused the team to suffer. The new academic year brought three freshman girl to the team: Tereasa McDonald, Jacquie Menzies and hristina Graulau. It wa sn't long though before Tereasa was battling with Sue Beaty, Senior, for the number one position. Luckily, the team gained new strength, because the season brought competition with SD , Pcpperdi ne, US , UCLA, Stanford, Yale and others, totalling 28 matches as compa red with the 15

on the team. She ranked 29th in th country for IS's and under, and placed third that same year Northern California. Vicky Jen en also Senior, is another exceptional!) skilled player. She was number one in the l6's and under. nfortunatel) she became injured this year which forced her out of double competition; she wa third place on the team. Finally, Dana Ro11 c, Junior, was second place in the 1 ' and under in San Diego; she carried the best record last year, 14 and 1in the single division Obviously, the team i filled with skilled women and looks forward to the following year when it will gain additional recruit .

A brief run-down on the team members will convince anyone of the talent which exists in the Women 's Team. To begin, Jacquie Menzies comes from Canada. She placed fifth in the 1978 Women's Open in British Columbia and tenth in the San Diego Women's Open . Christina Graulau is a freshman transfer from UCLA. She ranked sixteenth in the IS's and under in San Diego and Placed sixth in singles competition with the team. Jeanelle Moser origionally came to USD with the intention of playing volleyball, but she ended up playing doubles with the group. She transferred from Bakersville Junior College where she was a Small College Doubles Champion. Sue Beatty is one of the stronger players

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