Alcalá 1979


For the econd ucce sive year, USO ha fielded a men's and women's crew team. Many of their tudent had no prior experience in rowing, but daily workout event ually molded their green young ters into a cohesive unit. U D work in conjunction with the Mi ion Bay Rowing Association to from one of the most competitive crew team on the We t oa t. The competitive program begin in J anuary in preparation for the March rowing season, a season featuring regattas between U D and many orthern and outhern alifornia colleges and univer ities.

The highlight of the season is the San Diego Crew Classic. Held annually on Mi sion Bay, it brings together 30 of the best crews from the East and We t coasts including: Harvard, Cornell, Wisconsin, U. of Briti h Columbia, UC Berkley and our own Toreros. The We tern Sprints, We t Coa t Champion hip, follows in May, and take place in Los Gatos, California. From this competition, the winning crews advance to the National Championships. USO i a member of the WlRA and the NWRA and hopes that its crew will reach National Championship.

Top Ro" ( L to R): Harr} ll enke, Leo O"Brien. Bob O'Connell, Todd Huckins,

asey Olsen. Bill Zcmba. Ken Best. Coach

tcvc Este Bottom Ro" ( L to R):

Paul Ling. Vic Lorenc. Harold \fartinc1. Robert I oricga. Bill Do\,nC). Dre" Armstrong. Matt Stehl)


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