Alcalá 1979

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President/Chris Monica

Chris is a senior Business Administration major/English minor who enjoys sports (especially football) , drawing, and writing movie critiques. He is genuinely interested in student ' problems and interests, and hopes that this year as A.S. President he can put their ideas and suggestions into action. In this important position, Chris presides over Student Senate and Executi ve Board meetings, coordinates their activities, and is ultimately responsible for the welfare of the Associated Students of USO.

Vice P resident/ Micki Furr

Micki Furr, a senior English major/ peech minor, enjoy the beach, T.G .'s, music, dancing, and meeting and helping people. Her position as ice-President consi t of a sisting the President with hi many dutie , and informing him of variou . . committee · activitie / progres / deci ions. icki al o chair the Program Board which plan and organize a varied, balanced program of extracurricular activitie geared toward student participation a nd pirit.



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