FBINAA Sept/Oct Magazine.2018

F B I N A A . O R G | S E P T / O C T 2 0 1 8

For example, some drills focus on helping new agent trainees understand the capabilities of their service weapons should they find themselves in the water while attempting to effect a lawful arrest. While treading water, students use laser pistols to simulate returning live fire at an adversary. Instructors expect trainees to make their weapons function while in the water, show accurate marksmanship, and use sound judgment while fatigued and under stress. The lessons reinforce that their ammunition and firearms—through testing—have proven reliable while submerged at significant depths. Trainees understand the capabilities of the weapons and learn to protect themselves and the public despite adverse conditions. In addition to self-defense, new agent trainees learn the skills needed to performwater rescues. They also receive instruction in CPR and lifesaving skills should they need them while serving as FBI special agents. CONCLUSION This pool renovation project resulted from a successful col- laboration between all stakeholders throughout each phase. The FBI Academy remains committed to providing world-class programs through a proactive, collaborative, and thoughtful ap- proach to all aspects of law enforcement training. The new aquat- ics facility will meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students for years to come.

Supervisory Special Agent Savine can be reached at mcsavine@fbi.gov .

Endnotes 1 Eric Wrenn, construction manager, FBI Facilities and Logistics Division, interview by author, Quantico, Virginia. 2 Timothy Kenney, project manager and architect, FBI Facilities and Logistics Division, interview by author, Quantico, Virginia. 3 Alberto Salazar and Dr. Dennis Dolny, Underwater Treadmill Running: The Low Impact, Pain-Free, Calorie-Burning Fitness Advantage (US: HydroWorx, 2012), accessed September 28, 2017, http://cdn2.hubspot. net/hub/95548/file-439383010-pdf/docs/RunningBookSmall.pdf. 4 Juan Carlos Santana, The Essence of Program Design (Amazon Digital Services, 2017). 5 Kevin Chimento, programmanager and health fitness instructor, FBI Training Division, interview by author, Quantico, Virginia.

“The FBI Academy remains com- mitted to providing world-class programs through a proactive, collaborative, and thoughtful ap- proach to all aspects of law en- forcement training.”

Marc Savine


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