FBINAA Sept/Oct Magazine.2018

F B I N A A . O R G | S E P T / O C T 2 0 1 8

George Graves with his wife Shirley and their nieces (L-R) Sara Fetterolf and Michael Watkins during a recent visit. the funds were expended. National would forward balances from that sections funds to pay bills. After the session, any funds not used (savings) would be re-deposited to those sections funds. Since that time, the process has changed to a process where National and the Host Chapter formalize a “Conference Hosting Agreement,” this spells out all of the details regarding conference expenditures, sponsorship, funding, etc. From time to time Chapters wanted to raise additional funds by selling products such as jackets, shirts, and other items with NAA logo’s but they were restricted from doing so without first getting permission from the National Executive Board. Currently, vendors are sanctioned by the National office to use the Logo and distribute products with the logo on them. The funds of the National Association were held in bank ac- counts in amounts that were federally insured. Most investments were in the form of Certificates of Deposit which were “laddered” to meet future training, operational and administration needs. These were years of impressive interest rates and the interest earned was recorded for the use of the National Organization. Also in those days, banks offered what they referred to as “House Accounts,” offered by some for investors. One could invest in a three year program with the first year yielding nine percent, the second year could earn fourteen percent and the third year a whopping sixteen percent. Needless to say this made for great compounding of funds. The Association’s first technological advance was the pur- chase of an IBM Memory Writer Electric Typewriter. With this up- grade, we could now store up to ten form letters and type Board minutes for distribution to Board Members and Chapter Officers one time, and then reprint for the number times needed by one touch. In addition, we also added a phonewith FAX capabilities for communication purposes. Employing a less technical approach the Board found that sending Board members to Chapter events enhanced communications between the National Leadership and Chapter groups. To expand on that networking, the Board ap-

proved the suggestion that the Section Representatives and Vice Presidents attend Chapter trainers. To fund these visits the alloca- tion of funds for registration and travel expenses were authorized from the Sections fund. Thus, each Chapter could have one or the other present for their Chapter Function. George believes that it was also a time when the NAA had its best voice and direction on its activities by and through its leadership. Prior to Incorporation, when the Association was under the umbrella of the FBI, there was a period where National had a 502(c)(3) designation and, in an effort to maintain consistency, Chapters followed suit. As membership grew and the Association felt more secure and stable in its existence, the National Academy Associates en- tered into discussion with the FBI to form a separate entity, “The FBI National Academy Associates, Incorporated”. Along with that they filed for and received a 501(c)(3) status which allowed each of the Chapters to do the same. From its inception in July 1935 until the Incorporation in August 1993 the FBINAA grew and flourished. In the twenty-five years since the Association’s Incorporation it has overcome nu- merous obstacles, and growing pains, etc. Now with a member- ship of approximately 17,000, the FBINAA, Inc. has become known as the world’s premier Law Enforcement Training Network. George expressed, that he worked with some great leaders over the years; The NAA Board of Officers, Chapter Secretaries, Field Office Training Coordinators, Training Techs, FBI Assistant Directors of the Academy and Agents assigned to the Academy. Although we have become drones of the electronic and digi- tal communications age tome there is nothing like having photos and documents such as letters, minutes and notes to continue to tell our story. With that in mind I am asking that if you have information that will assist us in telling our story or preserving our history please feel free to contact me directly or through the National Office.


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