Associate Magazine - FBINAA - Q3-2022

F B I N A A . O R G | Q 3 2 0 2 2

MEET NEW FB I NAA PRES I DENT TIM BRANIFF Tell us why you first decided to take a leadership role at the FBINAA and how your involvement with the organization grew? sociation, my mission motivation will be interconnected with his financial sustainability and our membership growth, through valu ing work by current and lifelong members of our Association.

Along with tremendous support frommy family, Section I Chapter endorsements, and several past presidents before me, I now stand before you as the 71st President of the FBI National Academy Associates. I am so humbled and honored to help lead the most respected Association in the world. I was so blessed to be nominated by State Patrol Chief Lowell Porter to attend this prestigious training during the summer of 2006, Session #226. Being a fellow graduate, the chief asked of me upon graduation from the NA, to get involved. Fast forward, as a Washington Chapter Board Member, I attended several of the Na tional Conferences, and immediately recognized the importance of our Association and its influence on so many levels throughout the world, plus the everlasting return on investment with the access to training and a noble network. There were several discussions and support with my chapter leadership behind the scenes when deciding to run for the national board. I had the opportunity to sit down with Ken Truver prior to his election and with lots of encouragement and mentoring, he helped guide me to the right path to success. Over the past 10 years, Ken has taught me a lot about inter-strength and leadership. Also, I immediately discovered an ever-lasting professional connection from being around 250 executive leaders, and the carryover from that experience to our Association. The National Academy’s intended influence from a 70-day training session in the middle of one’s career can change you academically, emotionally, and mentally. Personally, it helped me during a pivotal point of my career, and for me it was a springboard to more than just checking the box or building a resume. Now, unlike any other, it has become a strong institution of training, spirited friendships, camaraderie, and the solidarity of our Association. It was an experience and a privilege to attend the National Acad emy, it is an honor and personal devotion to keep the experience alive through our Association. I can never forget where I came from, and when in a position to pay it forward to those who work hard, and are deserving, give them the same opportunities af forded to me.

My call to action or my “ROAR” , is a “Reach Out And Re-Engage” model and setting our sites to increase our membership by 25% or reaching 20,000 members in the next 12 to 18 months. If every chapter or every member set a goal of seven renewals per month and campaigned their inactive members, our goal of 20,000 will be achieved by next June. The time is right now and continuous, not waiting for the new year. If one reviews their chapter data and membership from the past, we continue to see a small deterioration of membership, espe cially among retirees. Why? I will be asking our chapter leaders to evaluate their chapter-level programs to not only find new ways to increase our membership, but how we can find way to utilize our retired members, their historic knowledge, skills, and experience about our profession. I ask that every member of our Association to call one or two in-active session mates, by reaching out to re engage in our Association. I continue to hear “there’s nothing that benefits me or nothing for me to do anymore.” The reasons vary from section to section, and chapter to chapter. My plan is first, help consolidate the sec tions into bringing their ideas to the table, then second, bring all chapter leadership together and build a fundamental play book that each chapter can work to support to increase our member ship goal. The Golden Ticket is strengthening sustainability through op portunity, value, and worthiness for every member. From the beginning, the leaders that built our Association never second guest their support, commitment or merit when making sure our Association would become the best. We need to continue to model those principles and pay it forward by a fortified strength of being active, involved, committed to our mission or specific initiative. There is no difference from being active or retired, everyone has a seat at the table. How do you see the FBINAA further collaborating with not only federal, state and local agencies but also supporting our retired members? We are asking a lot from our Association members, chapter lead ers, and our families. We are all very busy with our “real” jobs or everyday lives, then you ask for more help or support from another association or organization demanding more. continued on page 44

As you start your 12-month term, are there some specific initiatives you are planning to pursue?

Besides sustaining President Truver’s initiative for enhancing the ABLE Project and building financial sustainability within our As


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