TPi November 2014

business & market news

Scan Systems celebrates 30 years Scan Systems is celebrating 30 years of servicing the OCTG industry with its most recent innovation, ESP (enhanced signal processing). The company released the program commercially last year after spending six years in research and development. The software, along with electronic upgrade advancements including sophisticated algorithms and newly designed sensors, has advanced EMI technology. (electric discharge machine) specifically designed to introduce artificial flaws in metal products. In the late 1980s the company started commercially offering the EDM Notch Master unit. At the same time another team within the company was working on two products for pipe service operations. The results of their efforts are the Tally- Rite measuring systems, automated pipe tally equipment that reduces direct labour and human errors.

inspection and reporting of OCTG materials. A real-time inventory control software, TDSW allows customers to access up-to-the-minute changes in the OCTG material within their facility. With Scan Systems’ roots being in the pipe inspection business, it has a group of engineers and support staff that develops, manufactures and supports new OCTG pipe inspection equipment and technologies. PITCO™ (Pipe Inspection Technologies Company) manufactures advanced EMI equipment and also maintains an extensive inventory of replacement parts, supplies and equipment. PITCO also maintains a fleet of service vehicles manned by experienced technicians.

“We are passionate about research and development and have a long-standing tradition of asking how do we make things better, more efficiently and just how far can we push the envelope?” said Matt Rutledge, vice president and general manager at Scan Systems.

In 1990 Scan created TDS (tubular data system), a PC-based software system for OCTG inventory management and control within pipe service companies. As specialised inventory control and business management software, it was specifically designed to manage and monitor the storage, handling,

Scan Systems designed and manu- factured the first portable EDM unit Scan Systems Corp – USA First phase of stormwater project completed Abtech Holdings, Inc, an environmental technologies and engineering

will then move into Phases Three and Four: engineering and construction, respectively. Once engineering design and necessary permitting is in place, along with procurement of materials, the project’s construction schedule allows for a single site to be completed in as little as one to two weeks, or as much as several weeks, depending on the site specifics. More than one site can be improved simultaneously. “AbTech is eager to begin construction and looks forward to ground breaking, as the intent is to complete installation at the selected sites before the first frost sets in,” commented Glenn Rink, CEO of AbTech. “It is encouraging to observe this project is moving ahead and that we have passed this milestone in completing Phase One with the first 14 sites identified for improvement.”

system installationproject for stormwater outfall pipes in Nassau County. The first phase of the project began in October 2013, but was significantly delayed due to circumstances beyond AbTech’s control. The planned timeline for the overall Nassau County project had a cushion built-in. Consequently, with the project now moving forward, these delays are not expected to prevent the targeted completion of installation by first frost this autumn, subject to timely receipt of permits and other regulatory processes. The work during the first phase relied heavily on information received from the county, to evaluate 60 sites for improvements. It entaileduseof AbTech’s engineering firm, AEWS Engineering LLC, and a local engineering firm working together in cooperation with the municipal agency to determine site selection, best management practice assessment and selection, and the completion of other preliminary design engineering. Phase Two is a brief phase consisting of preparation of the technology solution and related documents, and the project

firm providing water pollution and contamination solutions to communities, industry and governments, has completed Phase One of its $12mn NTE (not-to-exceed) stormwater management contract in Nassau County, New York, USA. The company has been given the county’s approval to move forward with 14 selected sites, with the expectation that two or three sites may be withdrawn from the list of sites completed under this current contract if site complexities are discovered during the final detailed engineering work. “We are pleased to see the completion of the first phase of this project and the associated election of first sites for storm water infrastructure upgrades,” said chief deputy county executive Robert Walker. “This is a critically important project for the county in addressing its water infrastructure challenges and we look forward to continued progress and construction of the first installations.”

Abtech Holdings, Inc – USA AEWS Engineering – USA

AbTech is the prime contractor of the stormwater design-build-operate


November 2014 Tube Products International

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