MCCB Employee Handbook 2019

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Military Leave The Mississippi Community College Board supports the military obligations of all employees and grants leaves for uniformed service in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. Any employee who needs time off for uniformed service should immediately notify the Human Resources department and his or her supervisor, who will provide details regarding the leave. If an employee is unable to provide notice before leaving for uniformed service, a family member should notify the supervisor as soon as possible. Upon return from military leave, employees will be granted the same seniority, pay, and benefits as if they had worked continuously. Failure to report for work within the prescribed time after completion of military service will be considered a voluntary termination.

Section 6 - Leaves And Absences


Title: Military Leave

Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992


Code Number: 6.4

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Revision Date:


1. Military leave, not to exceed four (4) working days, may be granted to an employee for the purpose of reporting for a physical examination at a distant point, provided that such an examination results from an official order by military authorities. A copy of the order should be submitted along with the request for military leave. 2. All employees who are members of an active or reserve military unit of the Armed Forces of the United States or the State of Mississippi shall be entitled to leave provided such leave request is accompanied with official military orders. Compensation for such leave shall be consistent with the number of days an employee is to be on military duty as is indicated in the official military orders. Leave in excess of that which is supported by military orders shall not be compensated by the Board and shall be charged to personal leave or leave without pay. This section applies to both scheduled reserve duty and active military service.

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