1890 Coca and its Therapeutic Application by Angelo Mariani

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provided there are no such cpntra-indications to its use as active congestion, inflammation, or organic changes in these organs." "Consequently it would be indicated under all circum stances where a nervous affection seemed to depend upon a state of ataxia." "In irritations of the spinal cord,in mental aberration accompanied by melancholia, as well as against idiopathic convulsions(Mantegazza)and nervous paraplegia." Dr. Beverley Robinson considers the Vin Mariani as a cardiac tonic(1): "On several occasions, when digitalis has proved to be useless or injurious,I have had very excellent results from caffeine or convallaria. Certainly,the latter drug is more easily tolerated by a sensitive stomach than digitalis is; and whenever the nervous supply of the heart is especially implicated, I believe that I secure more quieting effects from its employment. Among well known cardiac tonics and stimulants for obtaining temporary good effects, at least, I know of no drug quite equal to Coca. Given in the form of wine or fluid extract, it does much,at times,to re store the heart-muscle to its former tone. I have obtained the best effects from the use of Mariani's wine. From per sonal information given me by this reliable pharmacist, these results are attributable to the excellent quality of the Coca leaves and of the wine which he uses in its manufac ture." In cases of morphinomania. Dr. Dujardin-Beaumetz has pointed out the advantage to be obtained with the Vin Mariani, and, following him. Dr. Palmer, of Louisville, and Dr.SigmauxTreux,of Vienna,have obtained excellent results with this therapeutic agent. Further on,we give a case of Dr. Villeneuve's,showing the cure of a morphino- maniac by the combined use of the Vin and the Pate (Mariani). (l)"Heart-strain and Weak Heart," N. V. Medical Record, Feb. 26, page 238.

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