LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022



Psychiatric - Mental Health Nursing, International Edition, 8th Edition Shelia Videbeck 978-1-9751-2636-0 / 552pp / October 2019


Lippincott NCLEX-RN Pharmacology Review, 1st Edition Rebecca Hill & Emily Sheff 978-1-9751-5033-4 / October 2019

A Practical Focus on the Skills and Concepts Essential to Your Students’ Success With an accessible, clear and student-friendly approach, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing clarifies challenging concepts and helps your students build a foundation for working successfully with clients experiencing mental health challenges regardless of care setting. The text explores the full spectrum of psychiatric nursing, helping students master specific nursing interventions, hone their therapeutic communication skills and learn to apply content effectively within the framework of the nursing process.

Reinforce your understanding and ready yourself for success with this comprehensive review of critical pharmacology content covered on the NCLEX-RN® . Lippincott® Pharmacology Review for NCLEX-RN® summarizes core medication classes and their associated conditions in an easy-to-use format accompanied by ample practice questions to help you excel on your exams and make a confident transition to clinical practice.


Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 9th Edition Shelia Videbeck 978-1-9751-8480-3 / 552pp / October 2022

NCLEX-RN Review Made Incredibly Easy! 6th Edition Candice Rome 978-1-9751-1690-3 / 774pp / October 2019

NCLEX-RN Review Made Incredibly Easy!® , Sixth Edition, is designed to help nursing students prepare to take the licensing examination. The book blends critical content review in an easy-to-follow and bulleted format, pharmacology tables that summarize core medication information, and thousands of questions covering all the Client Need categories of NCLEX and the major content areas of pre-licensure programs. The product reviews core curriculum concerns and more than 3,000 questions that prompt active learning and higher-order thinking. Questions align with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2019 PN test plan and are written in the style used on the licensing examination.



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