LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022



Henke’s Med Math, 9th Edition Susan Buchholz 978-1-9751-2702-2 / 560pp / October 2019

Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations

NEW Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! 5th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-9751-7758-4 / 816pp / February 2022

This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to learning dosage calculation and principles of drug administration. With the step-by-step approach to solving problems and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material before proceeding to the next concept. Over 70 Calculations in Action Animations provide step-by-step demonstrations of how to solve equations presented in the text.

Ready to master the medication process? Tap into the go-to resource for nursing pharmacology basics, with the fully updated new Fifth Edition of Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!® . Offering clear, concise descriptions of crucial nursing pharmacology concepts and procedures, this easy-to-follow, colorfully illustrated guide offers step-by-step guidance so to can grasp the fundamentals in enjoyable Incredibly Easy style. From initial assessment to safe medication administration and patient care plans, this is the perfect supplement to class materials, offering solid preparation for NCLEX®, as well as a handy refresher for experienced nurses.

Clinical Calculations Made Easy, 7th Edition Gloria Craig 978-1-9751-2703-9 / 304pp / September 2019

Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis has a simple-to-complex approach in teaching students clinical calculations. Providing students a framework for understanding the principles of the problem-solving method and supports the critical thinking process. The text is divided into four parts to provide many opportunities for students to practice and apply dosage calculations: Clinical Calculations, Practice Problems, Case Studies, and Comprehensive Post-Tests. With many examples and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material before proceeding to the next concept.

Math For Nurses, 10th Edition Mary Jo Boyer 978-1-9751-4865-2 / 434pp / October 2019

Current, compact and easy to use, Math for Nurses helps you perfect the basic math skills, measurement systems and drug calculations/preparations essential to successful nursing practice. Packed with real clinical examples and practice problems, this pocket-sized reference guides you step-by-step through the problem-solving and practical applications required in the nursing workplace. A handy pull-out quick reference card delivers fast access to basic equivalents, conversion factors and math formulas. C omprehensive dosage calculation coverage familiarizes you with ratio, proportion, formula and dimensional analysis methods of arriving at calculations. P ractice problems throughout the text and review questions at the end of each chapter and unit test your retention and application capabilities. 3 00 additional Practice Problems and Answers available online through thePoint further enhance learning and retention. L earning Objectives focus your study and review on essential concepts and practices. C ritical Thinking Checks help you analyze your results to dosage problems and ensure understanding of key content.

Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy, 12th Edition Geralyn Frandsen & Sandra S Pennington 978-1-9751-6017-3 / 1176pp / September 2020

Highly praised for its clear organization and approachable presentation, Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy, Twelfth Edition, continues a long tradition of guiding students and instructors through the practice of safe and effective medication administration. Expert pharmacology educators and clinicians explain the “why” behind each nursing action and emphasize individualized nursing care and drug therapy to promote optimal outcomes in every care setting. This updated edition is filled with case studies, concept maps, and other engaging features, and is complemented by robust online resources that reinforce understanding and establish a solid foundation for success from the classroom to the NCLEX® to clinical practice.



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