Capital Equipment News July 2015



I n their drive to provide customers with their unique value-for-money FAW expe- rience, the company decided to promote its highly efficient FAW15.180FL, 8-ton payload dropside 4x2 freight carrier truck at one of the lowest prices for a vehicle with these specifications on offer today. The 15.180FL sports one of the most spa- cious and comfortable semi-sleeper for- ward-tilt cabs available. The cab design features wide door openings and low entry height for everyday convenience. Grab han- dles and anti-slip steps are well positioned for effortless movement in and out the cab. The seating area is equipped with an option- al folding centre seat, while the cab offers abundant head, shoulder and legroom for three people. The driver has the luxury of a panoramic windshield and easy to view instrument panel, with a tilt and telescopic steering column assuring the best possi- ble driver comfort. The ‘heart’ of the drive- train is the proven FAW engine – the FAW CA6DF2-18 with its 6 557 cm 3 6-cylinder in-line engine is wa- ter-cooled, turbo-charged and intercooled. This powerhouse is supported with the easy-to-operate 6-speed manual transmis- sion from FAW – the FAW CA6TBX085. A full-floating, single reduction axle is made of forged steel into an I-section beam. The ABS brakes are full-air, dual assisted and supported by park or emergency spring brakes with a rear booster. The 150 litre fuel tank combined with a report- ed consumption of around 4.5 km/litre will cut down on the frequency to fill up. The straight ladder-type chassis is longer than comparative products allowing for improved payload ca- pacity, while the robust chassis is made from the highest tensile steel ensuring the required strength to cope with abnormal situations. The 8-ton dropside fits equally into the urban and rural environment where local custom- ers’ demands call for an agile, easy-to-op- erate robust vehicle. Some of the earliest sold units are clocking over 170 000 kms at present. The FAW15.180 with its good tare weight will run well in operations in a wide range of numerous sectors. It is ‘at home’ amongst the agricultural communities, in building and construction, as a support unit in the mining fields, as a runner in large de-

Scan QR code to view FAW 8 140 FL Launch

livery enterprises, or for the timber industry. It is an ideal vehicle for many of the mu- nicipal service operations. And for the truck rental companies, this is literally the best multi-task vehicle with limitless applications. Zhang Cheng, National Marketing Manager explains: “We decided to demonstrate to the local market, and to all prospective and existing customers, that we really support the growth and expansion of business enterpris- es here in South Africa and across all of the southern Africa regions. FAW is a force to be reckoned with in this market segment when it comes to added value, combined with the low- est and most effective total cost of ownership.” Overall lifetime costs on a FAW vehicle are crucial and taking into account the relative- ly low initial capital outlay and the proven reduction in downtime which the vehicles achieve because of the uncomplicated me- chanical nature of FAW trucks, the lifetime value they add to any operation is incom- parable. Cheng further added, “We have testimony from numerous customers on extraordinary fuel efficiency, exceptional reliability, robust chassis which can take a punch in payload when needed. We received very favourable reports from customers regarding the dura- bility of our trucks. For instance, one oper- ator in Parys has an 8 ton FAW freight car- rier that has clocked up almost 1,5 million kilometres, while the original Chinese rear tyres lasted more than 385 000 km on his 28.330FL. This is the type of feedback that

we believe proves our brand values.”

FAW SA is committed to offering vehicles engineered, developed and rigorously tested to meet the harsh operating conditions in Af- rica. FAW China holds a 98 % shareholding interest in FAW SA. The support by the par- ent company in China, along with an aggres- sive strategy to assist in building the brand and putting us in a strong financial position to offer excellent deals to our customers are contributing to building confidence in the company and its products by making it clear that FAW is definitely in South Africa to stay. The current assembly plant in Spartan will become a dedicated national parts distribu- tion centre now that the new R600-million manufacturing facility is up and running in Coega. While price and quality are two-thirds of the equation, the third leg of after-sales support is just as important in keeping the fleet up- time at its optimum level. In the case of FAW the initial economical price is backed by un- compromising after-sales service and parts availability through the network of 31 FAW sales/service and parts dealers across the length and breadth of southern Africa. The 98 % spare parts availability is dedicated to getting vehicles back on the road. FAW prides itself on giving ‘extreme ser- vice’ and this, combined with world-class products, has made it one of this country’s champions in the truck industry. Today FAW SA can rightfully add the badge ‘SA’s most affordable 8-tonner’ to their accolades. b


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