Capital Equipment News November 2015

CAT CONTRIBUTES TO GRAVEL ROAD UPGRADES IN ZAMBIA China Geo-Engineering Corporation’s road projects in Zambia are being supported by the addition of Cat hydraulic excavators that form a core component of the construction mix.

To support its extensive earthworks require- ments, which included almost 4 km of rock fill to depths up to 1,7 m, CGC acquired a se- ries of Cat hydraulic excavators to fast-track the construction programme, comprising Cat 320D L and Cat 329D L units, supplied and supported by Barloworld Equipment Zambia. (Barloworld Equipment is the Cat dealer for southern Africa.) This fleet has subsequent- ly grown to five Cat 329D L’s and three Cat 320D L’s, which are now deployed on new construction works. (Three Cat units worked on the D152.) Previous Link Zambia 8 000 projects – car- ried out by a separate CGC construction team – include the upgrade to bituminous standard of 91 km of the Luangwa Bridge to Feira (D145) Road in Lusaka Province, which commenced in February 2013 and was com- pleted in February 2015. (CGC has six proj- ect teams working across Zambia, where ac- tivities outside Lusaka include township road upgrades in Mongu, Western Province, and township road upgrades in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province.) Meanwhile, the current CGC team responsi- ble for the D152 phase is now progressing with a new section, which is a continuation of the previous works along this undulating route. This latest project entails the upgrade to bituminous standard of 98 km of the

M embers of the local community, especially children, never seem to tire of watching the passing traffic: that’s because they’re now connected to Zambia’s national road network. This follows the upgrade to bituminous stan- dard of Leopards Hill road (D152) from State Lodge Junction to Katoba Basic School (junc- tion of D152/D151/D481) over a distance of 43,8 km in Zambia’s Lusaka province, with works carried out by China Geo-Engineering Corporation (CGC). The contract forms part of the Link Zambia 8 000 Project, which has set out to upgrade 8 000 km of national road in the country. The D152, D481 and D482 form a strate- gic corridor linking Lusaka and Chirundu via Chiawa. The road is also the shorter route to Zimbabwe through Chirundu from Lusa- ka. It is the objective of the Government of

the Republic of Zambia to improve the link to Chirundu District by constructing a road to the Chirundu border of which this recent CGC contract forms a core section. Construction works along the D152 be- tween State Lodge Junction and Katoba Basic School included the establishment of a 40 km carriageway with a lane width of 7,5 m together with a north and south bound 3 m shoulder. CGC started the main works in October 2012 and had completed all phases by November 2013. The biggest challenge faced was the area’s rough terrain, requiring cuts of more than 5 m, earth fill of more than 5 m, as well as rock fill. Notwithstanding the difficulties, CGC completed all the works ahead of the intended completion date and there were no major defects during or after the liability period.


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