Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Frank Iodice

Ciepiela asked: “Do you know anyone in the rai lway pol ice? Don’ t ask me, I ’ve spend enough on br ibes. To get Bando through customs, I had to shel l out a lot of dough.” “You’ve al ready told me that , don’ t worry, I ’ l l pay you back. Maybe I know someone who could give us more detai led informat ion, let ’s wai t , in the meant ime let ’s devote ourselves to the lovely Mel i , we can use her for the second part of the operat ion.” Ciepiela spoke wi th hi s mouth ful l of ol ives, when he laughed he ran the r i sk of launching pi ts against the glass. Morel , di st inct ive and a meter above the rest of the wor ld, looked at him wi th contempt to demonstrate that very few people deserved hi s cons iderat ion. However, he spoke more soft ly as he pronounced Mel i ’s name. “How much watermark paper do we have lef t?” Morel suddenly asked. I t would seem that Ciepiela had the job of ruining every sweet thought he had so that he wouldn’ t get depressed and send the whole bus iness wi th the emi rates to the devi l . “According to what you told me and given the favors owed you by your fr iends in whi te tunics at the Cannes Cas ino, we’re s i tt ing pretty,” the photographer answered. “We can pr int bi l l s for


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