Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

A Perfect Idiot

Cedri l Morel was endowed with the arrogance needed by stupid mi l l ionaires. He’d learned it as a chi ld by observing his father, a modest barber obsessed with a desire for mi l l ions. Cedri l was that blonde chi ld who waited seated on his iron horse, a horse without eyes or ears, he would wait and observe his father whi le he cut cl ients’ hair and told them about his plans to get rich. This was how l ittle Cedri l had learned to love money. A chi ld who loves money is no longer a chi ld. Although his father earned a modest l iving, he cultivated a worship of money unti l his death, he’d desired it so much and planned a thousand ways to get it, al l unreal izable given the position he and his fami ly occupied. This first Morel fami ly, his biological one, was not the one he’d spoken to Mel i about during their trip. It could also have been invented, one of his many stories. His father made up a story every day, bread with fake flour, perfume with flowers stolen from the cemetery, he was the one who insti l led in Cedri l the idea that deceit could be a unique resource, at the same time, he hadn’t had the courage to leave the barber ’s shop and put into action his plans to get rich, which thus remained innocent dreams. Growing up with someone that obsessed with money had made him develop this attitude of a rich buffoon, unaware that one could be rich in so many


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