Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Irene Chias

rel ieved by the request. “Wi l l you give me yours, too? You know, in case of emergency.” “You mean if my uterus hurts, you’l l cal l me?” It ’s probably a mistake to joke in these circumstances. That ’s what my married friend would say. She told me, “When you act that way with men, you scare them.” I try to shift the conversation whi le this male gynecologist looks at me with an uneasy smi le. Maybe he didn’t get the joke. “My friend is having a party tonight in the Ripamonti neighborhood. Would you l ike to come along? That way, in case of an emergency….” “I have a dinner appointment, and I’l l be tied up unti l 10:30,” he says. “But if it ’s not too late, I could meet you there.” I’ve never picked up a guy so easi ly. My genitals must be gorgeous, inside and out. Something which, in my everyday l ife, the men I meet don’t normal ly have any way of knowing.


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