Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Barbara Serdakowski Vuota di parole - Empty of Words

So it’s tomorrow that won’t be back... How come your say, holding tight my hand? If it weren’t just for the same ships sunk long ago in the sea darker than any color.

Tu insistes et moi avec mon indifférence You insist and I with my indifference

Je côtoie tes abris, tes niches, tes pieuvres avides I skirt your shelters, your niches, your hungry tentacles

Serpents et méduses Snakes and jellyfish

No sabría más nunca pervertir las luces del alcanza- sueños I would no longer be able to pervert the lights of the reach-dreams And you, with your hand on my forehead: you have a fever you say...

No i gdzie będzie nareszcie można krzyczeć? Then where will we finally be able to scream?


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