Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza


Scrivo - I Write

Quand le savoir se lie au devenir When knowledge ties in to becoming

Quand les plans de vie s’effleurent When life planes brush against each other

Quand les idées creusent des tranchées dans le corps de l’indifférence When ideas dig trenches in the density of indifference Ya sabía que no se puede regresar una vez que te vas I already knew you can ‘t go back once you’ve left Y por eso, hasta solo por eso, eternamente escribo And for that, even only for that, I’m eternally writing

Traces and half-shadows of handwritings Like grapes dusted with aquamarine Reflected round Among tendrils of signs and abstract foliage

Within the fissures and creases of skin

Tam właśnie ja piszę It’s right where I write

I write in multicolored shades of sounds


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