Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Barbara Serdakowski

Gdzieś gościnny głos woła From somewhere a hospitable voice calls

Ja go słysze, jeszcze słysze. I hear it, I still hear it.

Were you coming here? Tell me, tell me, maybe? Were you coming, were you coming here?

Je t’attendrai encore I would still wait for you

Si seulement les heures seraient en nombre défini on saurait toujours quoi faire if only the hours had a definite number we would always know what to do The hours like overturned cards Palpable hours shaken like chestnut or cherry trees no more oceans and seas

Arrête-toi... Stop...

I can still hold your footsteps for a while longer But already my arms are tired For being so long


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