Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Günther Kaip


The reasonbehind the cancellationofwalks in thedesert no longer applies, but it is thus given time and stillness. It doesn’t give a damn whether its sands will later be shoveled into wine casks or nutshells, whether it could become subject to territorial disputes or plans might be forged for strategic expeditions—everything’s alright as long as it ’s left alone. Other than that, the desert is preoccupied with the wind’s new theories about currents, at what point which number of air corridors opens up, where precisely they run their course, and what it is that holds together this complicated interplay. The wind is a practician and continues its calculations—this brings order to the desert, which is essential to its psychological climate conditions. Every early morning, the wind drowsily spreads out its air corridors—they glisten in the morning dew—in order to then transport the sand expending as little energy as possible. A what a delicate trickling near and far, oh how the desert loves the transport of sand; under the blazing sun, it sends a cool shiver across the dunes.


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