Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Piero Schiavo Campo

more like an immense tower, from whose windows flickered tongues of fire, illuminating the façade of the eighteenth-century mansion. Once again I had that weird, larger-than-life sensation experienced in Atlantis. The same guardian as the last time asked me my name: I answered ‘Oberon’, and he let me in. The hall was also different. This time it was full of avatars and agents of all types. Nudity prevailed – though rarely total – but many avatars flaunted very elaborate costumes. These were accompanied by fantastic creatures. Some were mounting liocorns; others were astride enormous air-born fishes; or giraffes; or gigantic birds, moving awkwardly among the guests. The scene was at once wonderful and absurd. Through the chat cube, John Silver sent me a message. “Something very odd’s going on here, captain. Mind if I have a look around?” He was standing next to me. His red musketeer outfit was perfect for the occasion. He wore a contemptuous sneer, while his sword hung beside him with arrogant menace. “What shall I do if anyone speaks to me?” “Call me on the chat cube and I’ll be right there,” he replied. I saw him make for the ample staircase I’d climbed on my first visit. He trod heavily, as one would expect


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