TPT September 2011

AWST将于10月份在安塔利亚举行 2010年7月在伊斯坦布尔成功完成第63届国际焊接协会(IIW)年会后,Gedik教育基金会(GEV)和土耳其焊接技 术学院(TKTA)现在邀请了来自业界和学术界的焊接科学家和工程师参加2011年10月21日到22日在土耳其安 塔利亚举行的IIW国际会议AWST。 2011 AWST的目的是将著名的科学家和工程师聚到一起来分享焊接和接缝科学和技术最新的发展,以实现施 工、能源和运输方面成本效率高、环境友好、安全、和持久的焊接系统。 会议将由TKTA总裁Mustafa Koçak博士主持,将在土耳其安塔利亚最美丽的地方之一完成。受邀论文包括以 下论题,其中还将组织并行的口头报告和海报。最新发展包括:

先进的钢材和sl-合金及其焊接性 焊接耗材的发展,先进的焊接工艺,搅拌摩擦焊和激光焊接 设计和模拟方法及其工业应用 焊缝检测和特性描述 分析焊缝疲损——裂纹——生锈——蠕变机制 实用性评价程序、应用和标准化 焊接教育和培训

AWST Website:

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Barrett Steel expands into Houston, Texas BARRETT Steel is expanding its global reach by establishing a presence in Houston, Texas, to serve the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico and Brazil. From its purpose built 33,000ft2 facility, Barrett Steel Energy Products will specialise in raw materials for the downhole tool and equipment used in the oil and gas industry, including solid bar, hollows and tubing that meet the requirements of all oil patch grades. The move is a demonstration of the Barrett Steel Group’s com- mitment to new markets and to cementing stronger relationships with overseas customers. The new management team, headed by Tim Ryan, president, and Scott Schwandt, vice-president, brings together oilfield specialists with a wide range of complementary skills. Mr Ryan commented, “The new team in Houston is proud to be the first representation of Barrett Steel in North America. Our position here allows us to serve the oil and gas equipment manufacturing community with the backing of an historically strong and proven company in a strategically important location.” Dave Godfrey, managing director of Barrett Engineering Steels Division, is enthusiastic about the prospects the new Houston facility offers the group: “The downturn in the UK construction market demonstrated to us all too clearly that we needed to refocus our strategy and move into new markets. We had already identified the oil and gas sectors as a new international marketplace for us, and this has been the impetus behind our expansion into Houston. We are confident that with our strong team of people, along with our new facility, this initiative will be a great success.” Компания BARRETT Steel расширяет свое присутствие в Хьюстоне, штат Техас Компания BARRETT Steel расширяет свое присутствие путем создания представительства в Хьюстоне, штат Техас, которое будет обслуживать заказчиков из нефтегазовой промышленности в Мексиканском заливе и Бразилии. Компания Barrett Steel Energy Products, со своего построенного для этой цели завода, расположенного на территории площадью 33 000 кв. футов, будет специализироваться на производстве сырья для изготовления инструмента для обустройства скважин и оборудования, которое используется в нефтегазовой промышленности, включая прутки, полые профили и насосно-компрессорные трубы,

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