TPT September 2011

公司先前有一些轨道焊接经验,同时,他们很高兴地接受了通过一个AMI工厂培训员到他们的工厂培训他们 的主要焊工这一更新技能的机会。 Axton是一家真正的国际化大公司,公司出口大量产品到加拿大以外的国家,包括墨西哥、非洲和世界上其他 地方。服务行业包括采矿、石油和天然气、化工、制酸、石化、电力、运输、纸浆和造纸。 他们目前正在制造一个大型不锈钢换热器用于出口。 该装置上的管板有990个直径1-3/4” (44.45毫米)、壁厚0.084” (2.1毫米)的钢管。容器长为50英尺(15.24米) 长,直径为140英寸(3.55米),两端都是管板。 227型焊接电源是微处理器控制的,并且储存了焊接程序、或计划,由电源内存里所有可编程的焊接参数组 成。每次电源打开时操作者进入到程序。焊接计划指定原始和本底安培、行驶速度(旋转)、脉冲次数、进 线速度和其他参数。因此,如果其他因素,如管端准备、清洁和冲洗流是恒定的,则焊接到焊接的可重复性 非常高。 焊接头有一个机械连接到焊炬的冷却跟随器,它是弹簧加压到管道外径的。这使焊炬能与管道外径保持一致 的距离,即使是管道存在些椭圆度。冷却跟随器以及整个焊炬定向块是水冷却的,这将退去管道外径的热。 电源的电弧间隙控制(AVC)使焊炬在钨焊条和焊缝之间能够保持一致的距离。在环境温度或湿度改变时,焊 接操作者可能会对AVC设置做一点小的调节。 Model 6是使用安装在管板上的一个单独的定位夹具完成安装的。这两个夹具提高了效率,因此焊接操作者能 够在焊头完成安装在第一个夹具上发焊接时定位第二个夹具。当焊接完成时,操作者将焊头从一个夹具移到 另一个,因此焊接之间没有停机时间。 Complete solutions from Axxair AFTER 10 years of technical development and commercial strategy Axxair is now recognised as a key player in the orbital cutting, bevelling and welding machine world. The Global Process Axxair is the most complete solution on the market for preparation and manufacturing facilities piping workshop or on site, largely present in the pharmaceutical markets, food processing, semi- conductor, solar, petrochemical and chemical industries. The innovating character residing in the principle of interchangeability of the various tools. Cutting: the widest range of orbital cutting machines for tubes from Ø 5mm up to Ø 1100mm with 0.5mm up to 15mm wall thickness. Bevelling: precise and quick bevelling machines (cycle time 10 times quicker than traditional bevel- ling), thanks to a new motor design using carbide inserts( patented process). Tubes from Ø 17.1 up to Ø 323.9mm diameter with a wall thickness from 1 up to 8mm, to be fully compatible with the orbital welding Axxair has launched the carbide “J” bevel head. This head combined with an outside tracking system offers very high quality preps for orbital welding. As part of its strategy of innovation and product differentiation, the R&D department of Axxair regularly develops new products, we have recently made a new design for cutting and bevelling machines, he will be able to design as well special machine with customer specifications. Axxair launched two years ago the service department to provide more value to its customers and partners net work. Axton Incorporated Email: Website: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Комплексные решения от компании Axxair Компания Axxair после 10-летнего периода технического развития и разработки коммерческой

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