HEAzs Katalog ENG Gesamt

CB group – the company ......................................4-5

The new generation of heating ............................6-7

HEAzs – almost everywhere ........... ....................8-9

Enjoy soothing radiant heat .............................10-11

How HEAzs infrared heat works .....................12-13

HEAzs – unique in technology and design .......14-15

HEAzs – an overview .........................................16-25

HEAzs – outdoor suitable ...................................26-29

Unique ceramic surfaces ................................30-33

HEAzs – Model overview ..................................34-35

HEAzs – Heating power and heat output ........36-37

HEAzs – high-quality accessories ...................38-39

HEAzs – smart connection ...............................40-43

HEAzs – Technical data / approvals ......................45

HEAzs – Pricing / overview .............................46-49

HEAzs | 3

BLANC Calacatta

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