News Scrapbook 1973-1974


Son Diego, Tuesday, January 29, 1974



K arn Hi nry ar Umwrsl


scored 17 points apiec

• ,n tough; USIU on a streak

the Dons.

H h Invitation-

Thr Patriots and Dons will collide at 7.30 tonight at USD and University coach Hector Macis knows full well the ch •nge that awaits him. "Henry's aw- fully tough," ht> admillt>d. "One thing's sure If we can't keep them from run nrng we don't have a rhanC'e. We've got to slow thrm down." Tonight's second-round fi- na!P. will match top-seeded Kearny against Santana. The Komets improved th ir reC'ord to I I- la night by routing St. Auguetine, 74-52. Alan Rhodes htl ff points and Mark Hoaglin !Jad 15 (or lhr unbeaten winnrrs. Sant;ina spPd past Clain'- mont, 54-41, In th first game of the day. The Kear- ny-Santana battJe is slated for 9 tonight at USD. Toctay's other quarterfi- nals were to match Lincoln against El Capitan and Hoo- ver against Grossmont. Winnrrs will advancr to the S£>rn1finals torrwrrow night. Lincoln opened the tour- namrnt with a 63-43 nod ovPr winless Sweetwater yrstrrday Ron McFarlin [rd the Hornets (I 0-1) With 14 points.

al thL~ Wflf>k at USO and both advanced with first- round victories yestPrday Henry, ho ver, scored the most one-sidPd triumph of the day, a 73-39 triumph ovPr Gramte Hills that im- proved the Patriot record to JO-I this y<'ar. , Patriot center Mark .f, Hzner poured homr 32 points, his season high, and ·nt his team flying to- wards tonight's st• :ond- round date with host Un- 1w·rsity. Uni, which has never Jo~ an OJ)(•ning-roundrr in this tournament, advanced With a 53-37 nod ovrr Mission Bay yest r ay. Henry Pro- ano and Dan Williams

University of San Diego's basketball team will enter- tam a member of the Pacif- ic 8 Conference tonight. Washington State's Cougars will be the Toreros' opposi- tion at 8. :\feanwhile, USIU will be trying to extend its victory string to 15 at UCSD, meet- ing Dominguez State (7-11) al 8. USO has a 9-8 record, compared to the Cougars' 7- 10 ovc>rall mark and a 2-2 rrrord in the Pac 8. Onr. of the• Cougars' wins was over use The Westrrners, with a 15-1 record, will bP led mlo aet10n by RJ. Kunysz, who is averaging 12.3 points per game USO will be trying to stop Steve Puidokas, a 6 ft 11 in frrshman center who is thP lradmg srorPr in the Pac 8 with a 22.5 average. HP seared 24 po1ms against lTL.\ in a recent gamP. Cougar roaeh Georg<• Havelmg. a notrd recruitrr, will display 6-4 trar ·fer c\orton Barnhill for t /S r t 11 -~r.lM>-i'uilhlr~ of t·

,JOI' Unden and Stu Baldi- no sr-orC'd 13 pornts apwee to . lead El Capitan past Point Loma 59-48. The vic- lo'.y lllOVPd thP Vaqurros to 5-6. Hoover improvPd to 9.3 with a 54-41 nod over Hill top. ThP Cardinals con- structrd a 21-pomt lead in the fourth period before turnmg th111gs over to the resrrves. BH! . Gay hit 14 pomts and Ron Thomas contributed 13 for the Cardi- nals. Hoover guard Bob Brinn held llilltop star Mike Milke to IO points, half his average. Grossmont pummelt>d La Jolla. The f'oothillers rared out to a 30-8 lead and cruised on to win 55.35 Elevrn players sco~ed ro; Grossmont. ThP Linroln-EJ Capitan game was sclwduled for 4 p.m. With the Hoover- Grossmont duel at 5:45 Semifinals are scheduled for tomorrow night with fi- nals Saturday night at USO. USO will play Bio/a tonight USD's basketball team

s1vt• t'fforts of Stan V. a~n,uil!.wn ·nivrrs1ty of San Diego.

\hlle1 g ·ts


• talP


layup d pttt· the def 11-


oreros Shock Cougars, 77-68

OAJro,J Ii-~ - 7} oint Loma to host USD Pomt Loma College, the newest school in town, will make its home basketball d but tonight, starting at 8, in Golden Gym. The Crusaders, 1-1 after a w c kend on the road, will play ho t to crosstown rival USU The Toreros will bring an 0-2 mark mto the contest C o a c h .\I y r o n Finkberner's Crusaders dropp<'d a 74-64 decision to Grand Canyon College in their opener last Friday night in Phoenix but bounced back the following evening m Pomona. Sparked by 6 ft. 5 in. forward Steve Endresen's 23 points, the Crusaders came on in the final mi- nutes to take a 78-69 verdict over Pomona College. En- dresen also paced the Cru- saders against Grand Cany- ( on with 21 points. University of San Fran- cisco ra ked on the natl 's '11 I , downed US 1 n 3ose I Stat m pe

Ve s club to host bled students

The e Universlt host a

the disabled s-.ident. "THROUGH this we hope to interest the dicapped student in joining "Because we are small in both geographical size and student population, the disabled student finds himself very much at home here." Any person who is interested is asked to phone the univer- sity's admissions office at 291· 6480, ext. 354.

of San Diego will minar for disabled

students tomorrow. The meeting will be from I to 4 p.m in the Rose Room. Camino Hall According the club's moderator, Dr. Patricia Watson, " e USD Vets felt that the ysical size and layout the USO campus offers distinct advantages to

will meet Biola tonight at 7 p.m. and host Point Loma College takes on Bethany {:ollege at 9 to round out first-day action in the three- day >oint Lpma College CJ 1 in Goldt'n-Gym. Otl!1>r teams competing in the P nt, which will contin- ue tomorrow and wind up · Saturday, are Azusa P:>,1f- 1c, OIIvet, Southern Caliior- nia College and Taylor Un- iversity.

Rabbi Joel Goor of Congregation Beth Israel will teach a course in J~daism a_t the University of San Diego during the spring semester. The resident lectureship was en- dowed by the Jewish Chautauqua Society.



Toreros take sh t, gain higher bracket

6£-N T7 tV t,L 1-l. •

What's Happening

SPECIAL NOTES - The dinner dance or members of the President's Club of the Universit of San Diego Saturday night at the Westgate Plaza Hotel was the first of what is to be an annual social gathering for the member- ship of this support group for the university. In between these social events will be a report meeting on goals and achieV!'mPnts of the university. This was the announcement of Dr. Author E. Hughes, university president, in welcoming the gathering of about 80 members and faculty representatives to the party

TODAY Ecumenical Relations . Conference, JO a .m., University of San Diego.. Through Jan. 31 - Trompe I ' Oeil art exhibit, 10 a.m.-5 p.m . A Huney Art Dealer, 3015 5th Ave. Through Jan. 31 - Ernestine Bradley art exhibit, IO a.m. - 9 p.m.. Corridor Gallery, San Diego Public Library, 820 ESt. Throu~h Jan. 31 - '"Millions, Medallions and Modillians." pen and ink drawing exhibit, Point Loma branch of public Through April 1 - San Diego Annual Rainbow Trout Derby, for information phone 224- "1336. •. Through Feb. 3 - Play, "N1ghtwatc9". 8 p.m. , Old Globe Theater, Balboa Park.

library, 2130 Poinsettia Drive. Mira Mesa Town Cou!lci! board meeting, 7:30 p.m. , Mason Elementary School. Through Jan. 4 - Godspell. 8 p. m., Civic Theater , Community Concourse. THURSDAY Through Jan. 23- History and Art of Early California. 9-11 :45 a.m., for mfor- mation. phQne29Hi480 Through Jan. 23 - Inters- session 1974 at University of San Diego, for information, phone 29H480 ext. 221. Hockey - San Diego Gulls vs. Russian National Team, 8 p.m., San Diego Sports Arena. T;rough Jan. 26 - "El Dorado

Garden Court,'· stage play by James Gray, 8:30 p.m., Patio Playhouse, 373 Hale Ave. , Escondido. FRIDAY Basketball - Conquisla- dors vs. San Antonio Spurs, 7:30 p.m., Golden Hall, Community Concourse. Boxing - 8 p.m , The Coliseum, 1485 E St. Lecture - Trish History, 8 p.m.. House of Pacific Relations, Balboa Park Through Jan. 5 - '"Lion in Winter," 8:30 p.m., Copper Room, Community Concourse.


Through Jan . 6 - San Diego County Art Mart Association Outdoor Show, 9 a.m - 5 p.m., Park Boulevard at Presi• dent's Way, Balboa Park. Metropolitan Opera broadcast, 11 a.m., story hour room, San Diego Public Li- brary, 820 ESt. Godspell, 6:30 and 10 p.m., Civic Theater, Community Con- course. Saturday Night Street Drags, 7 p.m., Carls- bad Racl!way, Palomar Airport Road. Hockey - Gulls vs. Salt Lake City, 8 p.m., Sports Areana.

University of San Diego stepped up in basketball class last night and pulled off a stunning upset of Wash- ington State University of the Pac 8, 77-68, before only 1,200 in the USD gymnasium . U S. International University ex- tended its winning streak to 15 with an 85-48 triumph over Dominguez Hills State in the UCSD gym. Pmky Smith led one of the biggest wins in the Toreros' history with 31 points The Toreros came from behmd midway In the srrond half to tie the score at 61-61 on Smith's free throw and a field goal by Stan Washington Smith then scored five straight pomts for a 66-61 lead with 3: 38 to play and the Toreros never looked back Washington had 24 pomts and center Neil Traub JO. Traub sat out most of the second half with four personal fouls but came through with a kPy bucket with two minutes to play to give the Toreros a 71-62 advantage. The Cougars, il by Steve Puido- kas' om came into the game with O record, m luding a 10- pomt OJ")' over U' Putd foul~d out m the fmal minute USD rn11de ood on 31 of 66 shots from the floor for 47% while the Cougar were more accurate but had fewer shots - 29 for 48 for 50%. USD manai::ed a 39-38 halftime

lead after the Cougars had moved to an early 18-10 lead. The, Toreros ran off 11 straight points to pull in front, 23-20, with Washington hitting on seven in a row. Coach J1m Brovelli called the USO win "the game we had to have." In rolling to their 15th win in a row, USIU came up with another big defensive effort. It was the fourth straight game that its opponent has scored less than 50 points. The Westerners' 85 points was a season high. Jim Wyrick came off the bench to lead the attack with 25 points - 20 in the second half. The Westerners held Dominguez Hills State without a shot for the first 8:21 of the game as they cruised to a 13-0 lead and led at one time, 19-2. Point Loma College traveled to Los Angeles and came home with an 85-81 victory over Cal Baptist. The Raptists tied the game, 80-80, with two minutes to play but the Crusaders moved ahead to stay for their third win in four starts in District 3, Southern Division, NAIA play. Steve Endresen led the Crusaders with 30 points. Kevm Finnerty d Dan Martinez scored 20 apiece lo the Lancers. Point Loma returns to G Iden Gym tomorrow mght for an µnpor- tant district battle with Azu f. cif- ic. · ' Summaries, D-4

A surprise attraction was the preview of a new film about the university pro- duced by C ley Produc- tions and onlY. completed a few days before the dinner The film features commen- h1ry by Dr II ughf'S and dialogue among students and was produced by G Howard Matson .Jr, pro- ducer and manager of Cop- ley Production· The dinner in the Versa- illes Room of the hotel was preceded by a social hour in the foyer of the dinmg room where Dr. and Mrs. Hughes


HAZEL TOW welcomed guests. Hound dinrwr tables were centered 'with candles in hurriranl' lamps surrounded IJy pink carnations and ferns. Th<' Most Hev. L<'o T. Maher, Bishop of the San Diego Homan Catholic Dionw', gave thr invocation. Dr Hughes thanked members of the President's Club for thPir supoort and spoke briefly on the educat10nal program of the university and fi<'lds intQ whkh it hopes to Pxpanri whllC> slIJI maintaining a low studenl-!acully ratio, which hP said is now 14 students per mstrur-tor Fol mg bowing of the film, whlrh will be used lo tell th tory II the uruvers1ty to community, student and civJr group • mtmy 1 uests rrmainrd to dance to the music of ll1ll (;tt •n's combo, a donation by club member Mrs.• JlelCn Anni' Bunn. •

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