News Scrapbook 1973-1974

Everyone's talking about the devil

rh,· On,•, /Joly, Romfln, ( .111/w/11· ond Jpmtolit· Church find it. ,,If- 11rwi, ,,d bu/ <·opinR-the ho11e~1 pil'N' of how bu ine . property on the mnrket. l'nfrer fll,

" ... Many educated Catholics, Miss MacNell," be told her In a gentler tone, "don't believe In the devil anymore, and as far as possession ls concerned, since the day I joined the Jesuits, I've never met a priest who's ever performed an exorcism. Not one. , ." -From "The Exorcist" by Wllllam Peter Blatty, * * * " ... The movie may be In the worst Imaginable taste, tbat ls an utterly unreeling movie about miracles, but lt also ls tbe biggest recruiting poster the Catholic Church has bad slnce tbe sunnier days of 'Going My Way' and 'Tl e Bells of St. Mary's.' "-From a review by Pauline Kael n New Yorker. * * * " ... I believe In forces stronger than those presrntly attributed to ESP or parapsychology. I think It 11 posJlble to become possessed by the devll. As far as the movlr 'The Exorcist' Is concerned, I hope that those who go are not easily susceptible to the suggestions shown. .." -Fr. Warren Rouse, assistant director of rellglou studies at the U,.lverslty of San Diego.


What does Father Rouse think of all this? "Well, I do have some definite thoughts on it,'' he began courteously. "How I came to read 'The Exorcist' is a story in itself," he offered . "I was out of town and I had to give a lecture in the evening. l stayed in th~ rectory to prepare my notes. I finished them late m the morning and around noon I asked myseU, 'Well, now what?' "I saw 'The Exorcist' and I knew it was a novel, so I picked it up. I read it straight through. Quite frankly, it scared the hell out of me. About 4~15 a broom dropped in a closet down the hall and, while ·l didn't jump out of my skin, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up," he said. "When I gave my lecture that (See EXORCIST, 4-C)

We drove out to the,.ll,piversitfi of Diego to talk with Fa her nen ROO~e. The sun was shining, and if God was not in Heaven, we had no pressing reason to be alarmed by the vacancy The campus looks as if it has been lifted out of the Middle Ages and set down here - in a time seemingly far removed from that era of the Church's most intense preoccupation with Satan and his works. Was this why William Peter Blatty wrote "The Exorcist" - a novel about a young girl's pos ession by the devil? "Yes," says the author. To persuade those who do not believe that there is a case to be made for the supernatural, and to offer the possibility that there is a supernatural force of evil in the world.

. ljter n (;odle. dProde thnl snw Time mngrusi,w r,•IPbmle the i1,.,11h of dil-inil) 10 the delight of "Rowmnry' 8<1by" whilP thnt /u ty /,ull(·h of kid in "/lair" hooted deriRfrelynt the /'ope, "1he b·ord t" orrm• lo n.•~ure the faithful that Cod hm ,wt ye/ 11rr1>mlPrP

A program exploring t!1" rPligious history of Russia uw condition of Soviet .Jrwry and the relation bt'twren rellgious freedom and amnesty is sch!'Clulrd Monday from :J:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Dr Sales Hall at the l'r11versity of San Uwgo. The event b bring spon- sorC'd by th!' San Diego rhaptrr of the National Conferrncr of Christians and Jews and other local organizations The oprning segment of thr program features a talk on Russian rrligious history by Dr. Nelson Norman of the San DiPgo State Umvrr sity history departrnPnt At G· 15 p.m. Rabbi .Joel S. c;oor of Tcmplr 13<'\h Israel is scheduled to sprak on Soviet .Jrwry. The program concludes with an afl!•r-dinner discus- sion of amnesty by . 11th Naval District Chaplain E. Vaughn Lyons and the Rev. Douglas Rrgin of St. Ma_r- Un 's Roman Catholic u ch in La

'I hus Ix-It p ri the 0111 tor. I no that

Sot •inn• J11h11 F. I\ Pim Pd) rnn for l'ri,.,itll'11t /inri• CMholfr. /x,en o delugt>d 1dth q,w~tiom, u/,jecl lo •trnnge glrmn• , nnd o delightedly dumbfounded by all thf> rlltention.

Father Warren Rouse of the Universi~ of San Diego.

r '(' pri

't'X( xpl ca t ben(

woros wn1cn to especially torment the evil spirit are repeated often Besides Holy Water, the pnest has a crucifix at hand, and relics of the saints which must be encased. The exorcist may prescribe no medication. and may not bring the lloly Eucharist near the possessed person. • The priest is warned that during the rite he "may not digress into senseless prattle with the demon, or are belleve

bizarre elements.

ceremonies stresses

or magic official an

lilm," he sighed. Perhaps thing wa summed up best in 1941 by British author and common man's theologian, C. S. Lewis: "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our r. ce can fall about devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest them. They {the devils) thems equally pleased by both errors the whole

-') UltJt.V!U.'.) \II t",J.!l.':>~.).)•Vh • "If the possession e tablished. is completed by the wasting of the frame and the distension of the stomach. . The features possess anger, hatred, mockery and insult: at the same time the organic functions are affected by the contractions and spasms of the entrails. The complexion alters, there are di tressing symptoms of nausea - vomiting, a furred tongue. the change is long

In left-handed compliment, the Church position is: "Like the novel. the movie 1s poor theology. but gr1pp1ng entertainment" But Father Michael Callahan, a Jesuit who tcache f!lm studies at Loyola University in Los Angeles. had this to say •·once we truly and fully accept th existence of Satan in our lives. th reality of God not only becomes a telling

rn dical

Catholic booklet on the subject.

e program I laymen, ac Dr. Jacob II. , NCCJ executive ct


rite ·s effectiveness stems







certain words


making special signs. lntroductorv to rite s performance. the "Roman Rttual" a liturgical book of prayers and blessings. lists signs of demonic possession as. "The ability to talk " th some the


Imperial County's Yuha ,wash. site of an ancient sea which contains large areas of fossil oyster.:, and olhe~ marine animals. Saturday. February 23. Bring l,unch, water, an hiking shoes. Call 232-3821, ext. 22 for reservations. S.D. Natural History Museum. sponsor. DOG SHOW: Silver Bay Kennel Club's all-breed show, over 3 000 enlnes representing 114 breeds. Bing Crosby Hall and E'xhibit Hall, SD. County Fairgrounds, Del Mar. Sunday. February 24, 8:30 a.m, No charge. 443-1043, • INTERNATIONAL GUPPY SHOW, sponsored by the San Diego Guppy Association. Majorca Room, Casa del Prado, Balboa Park. Sunday, February 24, 9:0Q a.m to 5 00 p.m, USO WOMEN'S WEEK: fashion show sponsored by Walker Scott, Founders Dining Hall. Monday, Februarr, 25, 5:30 p.m,; a panel on "Women Working with Other Women, the Rose Room, Tuesday February 26, 11 :00 a.m, (variety show that evening at 8:00 p.m in Camino Theatre); noon mass on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) with speech on Mary, the Mother of Chris!, Church of lhe 1mmacu1ata. (See next week's Reader for following events). 291-6480, ext 354

... '4~ 7'/ University of San Diego hosts open house days


is th Biblical way 1:enrr 1 un ond1t1ona! law,' h said draft- 1,. ad rs and deserters deserters, he said, were would bring thr country simply acting on the basis h, rk tog th r again by .Im· of a con ci 'ntious objection plcmentlng the B1bhcal to the \'1ctnam war and the th ·m of reconc11latlon, a nation's system of Jaw and h 1 P rl st said m litary justice Homan II o IC . mne tv he said, would her, th1 wcPk • II(' also said h looks rl'unite the nation with upon amn ty as a forget- tho who exercised the tmg, not a forgiving, b right of free, personal 1 choice and would lmple- rau. forgiven ,mp ies ment the B1blical principle wrong-domg Tlln c who I rt the coun- of rneonciliation. try In protest again t the "Amnesty is a call to re- VI •tnam war says the Rev. conc1hat10n with those who have exercised their moral Dougla n gin, were actm_g d In arcordanec with their responsibilities an now conscl n e and were in call on us to assert our fact uhPad of the rest of the moral responsibilities by country In concluding t~at giving them a new chance the Vietnam war was im- to be the people of a free, moral lovmg nation which recog- "Bnn mg fhe nation to- nize. dissent and offers t J those who do dissent liberty gt>thPr agam" is a cen ra and Justice," Father Regin <'hall ngf' po cd to the m nean p ople by the said amnr. ty ls. ue, Father Father Regin said that Hr.gin said at an amnesty time and time again the se1111nar ponsored by th e Bible holds up as an ideal ational Conference of the r conciliation he says is c hnstians and Jews at the at the heart of the amnesty Umver ity of Sa, Diego . 1. ue. specifically. he cited Hi opponent m the semi- Jesus Christ's Sermon on nar, 11th . 'aval District the ';lount ( ~atthew 5), Chaplain E. Vaughn Lyons Leviticus 5 and II Corinthi- Jr oppo s unconditional 5 a n ty, pr !erring io d ,- antraft- vaders and v1dual pardon and clemen- deserters "people sepa- Y instead. rated from is country be- F'ather Regin, associate cause of a moral decision pastor at Sl. Martin's they have made," Father Church in La 1esa, said Regin said. that smc polLc; show that 73 ")1:ay not the deserter per rent of the American and evader claim their peopl no.,.. say the nation's error ls merely to have Involvement in Vietnam been ahead or public opm- was \\-Tong, amnesty ay ion and government policy bf' "a procedure by which (on the Vietnam war) and thl' government can undo that we can and should be what the government has much more ready to offer done.·' , them amnesty and reconcJI- The amne.<,ty issue, he iation?" Father Regm ays, ls callmg upon all asked mcrican to ask them- FathPr Regin said in the elve wh ther .they .~an question-and-answe: penod reaSJ . rt ti] ir belief m the that he's against trials with prinr1ple that a loyal, patrl- the possibility or alternate ot1r person may disobey a . rvice for d 1ters and particular la.,.. when there draft evaders as suggested Is a suff1clently ,?rave rea- by Chaplain Lyon because son for doing o. lhi. uld SU ge:;t th pos- Amerlcan shoul? s1b1h of guilt. a ·k tht•msclves, said Fa- True reconciliat10n, e ther Regm, whether amnes- said ls unconditional. ty could not "restore to use- ROBFRT DI \'EROLI ful citizen hip those whose , d1 obed1enc·e to law has Draft evader and ann1·sty toward

Mike Cihak College days are

the awon at l'SD Our trade- USU. and \le want to show the studPnts that from 1he start It II ll(' a reahstit 1·1s1t. not one that 15 put on as a show · t 18. 20. and mark 1s ind1v1dual atttn ton a admissions

registrants Sales Hall accorrling


a m

in Counselors will be at hand for adm1sst0ns and fmanc1al aid


t Salomo n Lecture Hall, De

planned on Feb March 4. 6. 25 and 27

Class v1s1tat1on






I ield





officer Mike Cihak, •·our idea planning eight ol these college days rather than one massive visiting day 1s to let the high school sludent ((et into in

interest ol each student will lollow. Al the noon lunch hour,

continue m afternoon. Interested students are asked to call the USO dmiss1ons Office. 29Hi480. ext the

Dr Edward Foster dean of Uni1ers1tr personnel will be

the College Sciences. will ol

Arts greet

and the




I A?i'ii"'u~l

d1scuss1ons in the Rose Room


giving campaign The University of San Diego . Association will Alumni • f ,ts embark on ·phase two o . Annual Giving campaign Monday· · wi II Volunteer alumni d t 3 two hour telethon con uc . · an blitz Monday evening m eflort to solicit pledges .from 300 kev alumni The association hopes to raise $25.000 this year in commemoration of the 25t~ anniversary of the foundmg o the USO charter in 1949 This year's campaign theme "Take a share m Student ~·r .. Donors may direct that pledges he utilized mfour areas of student hfe - studen,t [f . campus m1n1stn . a airs. . and student finances, athlect1cs, . 1 dV raised "We ve a rea . .. 19 000 toward our goal, $ , , association president alumni J Ila Widmer of La 0 Fr~d out at a recent pointed He said he hopes to meeting. · by conclude the campaign . April.

Experts in San Diego prehensive Planning Organi- County land-use planning~ion. . . ., are scheduled to participat 'J,_ ollowmg Rypmski s. talk, in "Environmental Day," a articipants will JOm discus- day-long workshop Saturday sion groups, accgrElmg to Dr at De Sales Hall, University Richard P. Ph1ll!!)S, USD en- of San Diego. vironmental studies coordi- nator and workshop coord1- end at 12:30 for lunch. A between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Ad- talk by County Supervisor mission is $2.50 for students Jack Walsh will follow. from any campus, $3.50 fo~ workshops are scheduled others. l,jrl-om 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Topics will include geologic Opemng speaker at _10 hazards, legal aspects of m will be Richard Rypm-1 land-use planning, transpor- sk1, cha1rman of the Com-~ion and quality of life. fternoon groups are W kshop On Religion eduled to meet ,fro.m 2:30 or . . . to 4 p.m. Topics will mclude San Diego State University construction, open space and Extens10n will sponsor a :e· recreation, zoning and taxes Jig1on work P from 9 ·15 and the military. a.m to 4:30 pin. March 9 at l Each group ill include ·San Diego S!Jte's Aztec Cen- experts on the to le. t Reg is tra ti on workshop, "Beach, Big Cit and Back Country,'' will for th~ator. is sions are schedu.led

For lurther information .on the as:,01:iation·s Annual Giving ampaign. phone Dean omce of Alumni ~pra~ue. . I San Affairs. University o

T ,et 81)/1/, £:.; -;) JJy


Diego. 291-6480.

eek opens


/.bn,drt - :t

s- / 71'-

The University of San Diego marked the beginning of Black Awareness Week yesterday with an informal talk about black women by Altha Williams, San Diego City Col- lege dean of counseling and guid- ance "Black women have always known work," she said. "But a cen- tury ago, when black women were expected to work, they were expect- ed to clean house, to do housekeep- ing. Or if they didn't clean house, they could be a schoolteacher and teach black Children. "Women, not just black women, have to get out of traditional career goals. I'm not saying they should. rush out and see if they can get jobs as firemen, but that they should learn to remove do that we need to teach not Just skllls, but eopmg ability." Mrs. Williams was named 1973 Womal) of the Year by the County of San Dipgo Her talk marked the beglnning of several activities at USD durmg Black Awareness Week.

In The Wind


rec: 11-0,,1 n who are checking our appliauion of a new law which encourages gr:mring credir ro women are, from lefr,

Joyce Wharton of CALPIRG, artomey Susan Orersky and USD law srudenr Susan Hanley,

l Deacon, will be honored Feb. 25 at a dmner b.Y Dr and Mrs. Irving Salo- mon, who will ent(ftain at King's Inn, M1ss10n Valley. The dmner will precede th e honored guest's talk on the relationship of the Catholic Church to the major reli- gions of mankind before the Ecumenical Center for World Religions at 8 p.m. in Salomon Hall, Universit~ of San Diego. Dinner guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Author E, Hughes, Msgr John R. Port- man, chairman of the Center; Mrs. R. J. Portman, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Agm~ky, Mrs Marcella Cornish, Dr. and Mrs. Willi am Doyle, Mrs. Lauren Dow Thomas Fleming, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Livingstm,, Mrs. deW1tt H. Merriam, Mrs. Timothy Parkman, Mrs. Harold A. Roth, Dr. and Mrs Delwin Srhneider, Mrs. Clar ae Steber, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Horn the R ,.. Koj11 Terada, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas , Keelin and Mr. and Mr . Jean-,Pierre Paris.

h lped their fellow citizens d1scrrn the true nature of


est . Morin will speak at the Las •nas meetm~. Wednesday at the Hanalei Hotel m Missl_on Valley. His topic will be "Can There Be a Lastin1,: olution to the Middle East Confhcl?" Dr. Morm1s professor of political science and hi tpry at the Umver~1ty of San Diego. He 1s also chairman ol the poht1cal science and hi lory department. Mrs Fnsbw Killman. president of Las Vecinas. will ~come members of their guests for a social hour from 11 to noon with luncheon loilowing, Assisting with t meclmg Mrs. Wilham Kneib. Mrs Edwa Doughert . and Mrs. Joseph Pilrofsky !!111111111111111111 Ill1111IUIIIIIU•u.,u •··-

f~ .J.3 1'11'f Russian Catholic Pastor To Speak On Exorcism ThP H<'v. Karl Patzelt, pastor of lhP Catholic Rus- sian Churrh of San Francis- l'O, will speak on exorcism at l'ainmo Theater of limversi- ty of San Diego at 7:30 p.m. Tut' da) Thl' I rture, spon- sored by USO A sociated S!Udl'n!.s is OpPll lo the pub- lic


For Cardinal Pignedoli • ergio Cardinal Pignedoli, recently named by His Holiness Pope Paul V as a

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