News Scrapbook 1973-1974




llet opens two in City College

s Carnival de :lt6 ea,""•"""' Civ,c Theater, 8. _1.,Jjo.a,·-wo.a..,,i.apens Jim Saw po,nt,ngs, Robert Mangold prints. I Jewish Community Center opens jewelry show by Arline Fisch and students. • Son Diego Art Institute opens Tania Kleid show ..• Con- t1nv1ng· H.

Sussk,nd con• ducts the San Diego , Sym- phony with· pi- on 1st Horacio Gutierrez, Civic Theater, B, also Fndoy • . Con- tinuing: f,H.

returns with Los rmonic, Civic Theater, 8. • Duke Ellington and Orchestra ploy ,n UCSD Gymnasium, 8:30. I lo Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art opens Sybil Edwards Surface of an Egg show Continuing: F,G,H,S. Angeles

, al Palace Theater continues Glass Moon Post, 8,30. I Grossmont College presents stu• dent recitals, 11, fine Arts Recital Holl. • Clairemant Art Guild conlinues annual show in Studio 25 ... Continuing, F,G,H,S.


I Barbaro Rush s t a r s Father's Day, opening at Off Broadway, 8:30 Conhnu1ng: H.

d,on Robert Kleln per• form5 ,n Son Diego State Boe door, 7 and I 0. • Pianist Susan Hal- gedahl ploys at noon, 12,30, Athenoeum, Lo Jolla. • Southwestern Gallery opens Roberta Kowa•sch, Frank Levon show

I F s drawings by European Baroque artists. • Tim Weisberg ploys and sings at JJ s, 8 and 11. • Organist Koria Pandit plays at Southland Music Center, Lemon Grove . •Continuing: F,G,H,P. s C

I Mone Hitchcock presents annual Happy Easter puppet show in Central Public library, 10,15. • Art and Design Shop continues Mid- way High students· exhibit • . Con- tinuing F,H,P. & 17

I Central Publ,c library continues Helen Petre 91aph1a, Japoneie children's works from Yokohama • lo Jolla Art As10c1otion continues Derk Smit show.

la Jolla Art Association opens • Son Dieguito Art Guild continues annual spring show, Del Mor . . . Continuing: F,H,P. Jean Shen show.

• Old Globe continues Hadrian VII, 8:30. I Young Artists Bene: fit Concert set in Civic Theater, 7:30 . .. Continuing: F,G,H,P.

• Globe opens The Price on Corter Center Stage, 8. I Deep Purple returns to Sports Arena with Savoy Brown, 7:30 ... Cont,numg: F,H.

I Pianist Misha Dichter ploys with Lowrence Smith and the Lo Jolla Cham• ber Orches- tra, Sherwood Holl, 8 ••. Con- tinuing: F,H,P.

Mo and Victims ot Duty, Stratford Square Theater, Del Mor, 8. I Sons of Champlin play 1n JJs, 8 and 11. • Southwestern College presents jan festival, Gymnasium, 7:30 .. Continuing: 8,F,H,P.

I Soprano Camille Rouo, tenor Mlchael Rosso sing at noon, 12 30, Athenoeum, lo Jolla • Groumont College opens Women and Women's Work, photos by Dorothea Lange

• Jefferson Starship ploys in Civic Theater, 7:30. • New Expres- sion bluegrass group performs m Grossmont College Student Center, 8 Conhnu1ng F,H,P.

• Southwestern Gallery continues Marforie Tarter, Rosalind Yovng show ..• Continuing: F,H,P. 24 • San Diego State Folk Festival opens 1n Aztec Cente,. I Jackson and Ellamarie Woolley discuss enamels 1n Fine Arts Gallery Copley Auditorium, lO45 •. Continuing: F,H,P.

I Marty Rob- bins sings 1n Civic Theo I er, 7.30. I Feld Quartet ploys in St. Peter's Church, Del Mor, 8 . Cont,nu- tng: B, D, F, H, I, P.

C-"--- e In-Dweller, 8:3~. ssie Colin Young ploys at JJs, 8 and 11. I Feld Quartet ploys m Grossmont College Fine Arts Holl, 8. I Son Diego State Readers Theater presents Trolius and Cressida, Little The- ater, 8 . Continuing: 8,F,H,l,P.

0 ommun

oncerts, Gro55111ont H1gli Auditorium, 8,15. I Horps1chord1st Igor Kipnis ploys ,n Caso del Prado, 8. I Lo Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art pre- sents film Breathless, Sherwood Holl, 8 •.• Continuing: F,H,P.

Ila es"Xetcham con ucts San Diego Symphony Chamber Or- chestra, USD Camino Holl Theater, 8. • fee Follies opens in Sports Arena, 7,30. • LH Gerlach reads poetry in USD Solomon Holl, 7:30 ... Continuing: F,H,P,

sf wes trn o ege continues Mexican-Chicano Surrealist show • Lo Jolla Art A110C1ot,on Open$ Martha Smith show. • Groumont College continues photo- graphic show by David Wing and itudenls.

Key to Continuing Performances ; • •

8-Uncle John's 'Butterflies ore Free' D--Crystol Palace 'The In-Dwellers' F-Off Broadway's 'Father's Doy' G-Crystol Palace 'Gloss Moon Post' H-Old Globe 'Hadrian VII' I-Ice Follies at Sports Arena P-Globe Carter Center 'The Price' S-Uncle John's 'Star Spangled Girl'

I Dons K. Souner presents lecture- recital Adventures of a Piano- phlle, Jewish Community Center, 8. I Artists Co-operative Gallery con- tinues invitational show of Son Diego artists from the late 1950s Continuing· P.

I Mt. Soledad Chamber Play- ers perform at noon, 12,30, Athenae- um, Lo Jolla.

117 Not "OfEcial'' Hospitality The just-off-campus residences of the Presidents of lCSD and USD are the setting currently for small dinner parties. Those privileged to enjoy them find the houses and the hospitality anything but cold and official. Dr. Author Ernest Hughes Jr., president of USD, and Mrs. Hughes continued their series Saturday night. Most of their guests did not travel many miles to get there and saved home energy by sharing the flattering candelight of the hosts. Casa de Alcala, home of Dr. and Mrs. Hughes, operates socially on two fronts on party nights - in the dark beamed, Sierra-white walled sala with dramatic view of the mouth of Mission Valley and harbor, and in the lively family room where their delightful family (James, Timothy, John and Susan) permit guests to interrupt their recreation. The sala, like the dining room, was candelighted Saturday with slender wand- like tapers. Patio and harbor view win- dows in the sala are curtained in white into which wide colorful borders are loosely woven to repeat the warm decor accents. The off-center mantel is an unexpected visual pleasure. The hosts served the first course (seal· lops and shrimp in shells) in the sala. Dr. and Mrs. Hughes rarely entertain more dinner guests than their handsome geher- ous table under the dimmed crystal chan- delier can accommodate. They centered it Saturday with an explosion of spring flo- wers. Calla lilies and blue iris were com- bined to grace other areas. Their guests .included Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tbs Gonzalez, who look forward to the arrival this week of Mrs. Gonzalez's mother, 'Mrs. Harper Sibley or Rochester, :-J.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Armistead B. Carter, Mr and Mrs. Alex DeBakcsy, Mr. and Mrs. ruce R. Hazard and Dr. and Mrs. William Nierenberg.




DonFJlei!trloJi· TV-RADIO EDITOR -THE AN DIEGO UNION,-------- In th t v1 Jon gamr show business, a highly spec1al- iz d tf not r<1r ·lted art form, the accepted credo ls thatwom n are thf' best contestants. The reason 1s basic and, perhaps, ·urpnsing. Women, it seems, are en- r.umbcrf'd by less pnd and ego when they race the cam ras. 'Women ar rt'IUXPd on a game show," says Ida .viae McKenziP, who is thP c·ontestant coordinator for the ' Hollywood Squar s" and my source for the foregoing theory "Thf' men an• m there all nervous about not

N ~-15 7

own usiness finance for L,mversity Fi- Peter C. Finne has been nancial. named chief manufactunng engineer after serving the Terry craft Enterprises company as senior systems has appointed Betancuurt, analyst. Advertising & Art, to handle promot10n of the Kitchen Kut-Up, an adjustable cutt· ing board that fits over kitchen sinks. Jacquie Howell has been named catering manager at Royal Inn at the Wharf. Miss Howell will supervise the hotel's convention center at Earl's Seafood Grotto VIP Room. or. Donald T. weckstein, co_ pany for 20 years or safe dean of the Universitv of San dn ng m company vehicles. Diego school of law, has Th y join 52 others who have been appointed chairman of al o achieved the mark. the San Diego County Em· ose recognized have cti:iV· ployee Relations committee. n company vehicles a mini- mum of 200 hours a year. s S. Hea Christine N. Larsen has moved its sales office to been named assistant man- 11772 Sorrento \'alley Road. ager at Wells Fargo Bank's Suite 160. The company rep- El Cajon office. She had resents electronics compo- been banking officer at nent manufacturers. Wells Fargo·s Chula Vista Maxwell Laboratories has added a 15,000 "1!fflfflflhlll01 facilitv to increase its capa- citor manufartunng capabil· ity. Seventeen employes of n Diego Gas & Electric . were recognized by the

ound WIiiiam J. Tanner, was named vtce president and manager of Si>curity Pacific Bank's 41st Street and El Cajon Boulevard branch He had been branch manager. Twenty students from a technical school in Mexico City visited California Elec- tnc Works' San Diego plant. Gurdon Luce, president of San Diego Federal Savings, has been named to a new committee of the t:nited States League of Savings As- sociations. The Committee on Alternatives for Future Development will study th adv1sabil!ty of basic change in savings and loans an development of alternativ courses or action. l\l. \'elandia, a former \1ce president and reg10nal operations officer for United States . ationai Bank, has bi>en named cashier of North County Bank m Escondido Roberto

coming off well, leery of what their fnends and people in the office will say 1f they don't wm a bundle .vlen get all tense about bemg a contes- tant. It's so important for them to do well "lt'.s much easier for a woman to say afterward, 'Well, I went on the show and I goofed.' Aman hat to havr to make that kind of an • admission. If he blows a question, he take1; it as a pPrsonal affront, a slight, and he's embarrassed. "Consider this," .said M1 Mc·Kenzie. "We'll liavP chool- teaehPr on the how, mf'n and "'omen. ThP women will almost always Ml their classe~ that th y're going to be on a game

1'0 MARRY - Mr and Mrs. Henry E. Johnson Jr. announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Linda Marie, to Russell Steven Leslie, son or Mr. and :Wrs. Russell Warren Leslie Jr. The couple plans to marry Aug. 3 after she has graduated from the l! niversity of San Diego and he has gr~uated from LewIS and Clark College in Portland. Miss Johnson so at- tended unive i es in Cannes, Franc and Malaga, Spain. Mr. Leslie also studied in West Berlin.

Ida tac• MeKen1i ·

how But not th men tt-arh r::; - . tudent. about lt later and only if they do well. 'It's all an ego thing, a matter of stubborn pride," she w nt on. "On f' I n·mrmbf>r we had a man on the how, a profe or with a Ph. D to his rredil lie was quite lofty and talked about th c·harittrs he was going to give all or his \\ n11111gs to. And what happened? A lilt! housewife put him off th· shuy, in si.•vPn que. t1ons'" thfl men will tell their


Two assignment~ have been announced at auonal

Robert G. Hasse has been named operations officer at Bank of ,\merica's !idway- Ro ans branch. He was assistant operations offi a the Coronad brl-ijlch.

Judy Stanley has been ap• Steel & Shipbuilding Co. J. pointed director of sales for Eldon Lents, who has been Amrncan Rent-A-Car, 1747 NASSCO controller and a p cific Highwa,· s1stant secretary. smce 959, a , has been appomted ~ice Lester F. Reid has been president and controller.

appointed manager of San Diego operations for Califor- nia Plan, a mortgage loan brokeragP Ernie Merino has been ap• point d branch I ana_g~r of the n w San Die o off!c of Basic Sy tc ms Co., 7152 Con- VO) Court. The rum re re• SPnts ell'ctronlc manu ac- turers.

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