News Scrapbook 1973-1974
Brown, Reverend and Mrs. Melvin Harter, Dr. a nd Mrs Mf)hamed Ali Khalil, and Dr. and Mrs A M. Living- ston. Also !'dr and Mrs Jean Pierrr Paris r.olonel and
Mrs. Irving Salomon, r,fr. and Mrs . George Scott and Dr and Mrs Delwin Schneider. Mrs. 0-eorge Hubbard, hospitality chairman will be ass!sted at the tea table by
John \Ii 1lson d()(•sn't claim r al golfl'r. How V• IU IJe U pretty goo(!
s hostesses are· Bill , Mrs Hal h Mrs. Hu h Mrs, Robert Mrs. William Miss Mitche t. ~1rs Titus rs. F red obele Ramirez, Mrs:
-Stoff Pnoto Bv l .,, ment. TC'am m mhers melude Bui. rho t, behrnd W1bon and, n•ar (1 f to tlgh Graham Mllncr, Paul r-arrrll, Al Adnan.
Create a l'niversity of San Diego Lif Income Trust with your
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Writ or phone fot· a rlcsnipt ivc brochure FS
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(714) 291-6480
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