News Scrapbook 1973-1974


Sunday, October 28, 1973

Highlights of the month's fare ic and drama-the times, places and pla,,hills in art,

NOi/EMBER 1978






r Piatigorsky se play in Pianist Lili ssmont Com t,-4-.:lllU;lll:tf;;,·-"Grossmont High, • Mississippi Delta • Hid- den Valley Community Concerts presents lee Evans, Pilgrim Hall, Escondido, 8 .. Cont. P, W. C, J, • ;fad~J;Q!!DlfN!est and La Jolla Clv c- r hes- tra, U Revelle 3'feferta, 8. • San Diego Symphony plays you • g people's concerts, Civic Theater, 10 and noon. • Actors Quarter opens The Magic Toyshop for kids, 2 .. Continuing: C, D, I, J, w. 8:15. Blues Band plays State Montezuma Hall, 8. in San Diego s Ang les Philharmonic opens C1v1c Theater season with Zubm Mehta conducting, 8. • Jean-Charles Francois Ron George play percussion co cert, UCSD Recital Hall, 8:15 . Continuing: C, D, Q, W. •

C-Crystal Palace 'Chrysalis' Key to _Continuing Performanc s ... 0-Globe Carter Center 'Ceremonies in Dark Old Men' I- Ice Capades, Sports Arena

iego State opens Star- Girl, 8. • Patio Play- Royal Gambit, 8:30. • Palomar College opens The Hasty Heart, 7 :30, Drama Lab. • La Jolla ,\rt Associ- ation opens John and Mary Hoo- per show. . Continuing, J, P. house, Escondido, opens

J - Old Globe 'Ja bberwock' O-San Diego Opera 'Carmen' P-Off Broadway 'Prisoner of Second Avenue' O-0ff Broadway 'Status Quo Vadis' S-Old Globe 'Summer and Smoke' W-Mission Playhouse 'Small Craft Warnings'

• Jose Greco and Nana Lorca perform at Kearny High School for San Diego Evening College, 8. • Martin Henry and Flip open at Folk Arts, 8 . . Continuing, C, J,


P,O, W. • A to

• Pianist Lili Kraus plays at MiraCosta Col- lege for North County Con- cert , 8 15. • French Cham- ber Orchestra plays in Civic Th r, 8:15.

opens Susan • San Diego s Cheaper by

ucts San Diego oprano Marilyn r, 8, also Fri-

eremonies In en Cassius Carter


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Jun r the D

Romayne Wheeler

• Meao no Joy Btac kett sings in the UCSD Revelle Cafe- teria, 8:30. • San Diego State Jazz Ensemble plays in Dramatic Arts Theater, 7 :30. • Wishbone Ash plays at JJ's, 8 ... Conlin uing C, J, P, 0.

c...- ..............

Cent Ice Capades opens in Sports Arena, 8. • Ex- plorama presents Scotland Afore Ye film, Civic Theater, 8: 15. • French Chamber Orchestra plays for Brawley Community Con- certs, 8:15 .. Continuing. J. , .

del Prado, 7:30. • UCSD opens TIie Skin of Our Teeth, Matthews Campus Theater 8. • Pacific Pops Orchestra plays in Army and Navy Academy auditorium, Carlsbad, 7:30 Continuing, C, D, I, J, W.

pla n Diego State Monte zuma Hall, 8. • San Diego State Saxophone Ensemble plays to Music Building Choral Room, 8. • Spanish Village Studio 25 contin ues Kathi Hilton paintings ••. Continuing, D, I, J. Ill

day. western College opens The Adding Machine, May- an Hall. 8. • DePasquale String Quartet plays for Fallbrook Com- munity Concert Associat10n. Bow- ers Auditorium, 8:15 .. Contm uing: D, I, J.

• Jazz guitar- ist Bolo Sete plays in San Diego State Montezuma Hall, 8. • Ja- • net Funston speaks at Fine Arts Ga iiery, 10:45 . . Con tinumg: D.

• Ray Walston stars 1n Status Quo Vadis, opening at Off Broadway The- ater. 8:30. • Beach Boys sing in Golden Hall, 7:30 . .. Continuing: D.

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in Civic

m 12.

Thea Violinist The• odore Brunson plays faculty re c1ta1, San Diego State Recital Hall, 3. • Soprano Diana Davidson, cellist Hilda Cook play in Jew1sr Community Center, 2:30 ... Con tinuing. C, D, I, J. and

~-,_,....., Han- nah Farmer plays m First Luther- an Church, Vista 8 • La Jolla Art Assoc1at1on continues Eleanor Hurst show • Art and Design Shop continues lsa~elle Rich• mond show.


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• El ctri Light Orthestra plays in JJ's, 8. • La Jolla Art Association opens three '.llan show. • San Diego Art Guild con- tinues all-media show, Commu- nity Concourse Plaza Hall Continuing: D, 0, S.

l-6111.rafl'.~Mag D Recital Hall, 8:15. • San Diego State Madrigal Singers perform in Recital Hall, 8. • Vere Wolf previews The Marriage of Fig- aro, Central Public Library, 7:30 . . Continuing. D, Q. tic GI en,

• Helen Reddy smgs in Golden Hail, 8:30 • Spanish Village Stu- dio 25 continues Vivian Lowery paintings. • Chula Vista Art Guild continues membership show . . Continumg. D, Q, S, W.

• Central Public Library continues show of Miles Parker New Yrrk prints. • Old Town Circle Gal- leries continue show of Frederic and Eileen Whitaker watercolors.

• Pianist HOW· ard Wells plays for mini concerts at Community Concourse, noon and 12·30.

USIU Company opens Our Town, San Diego City College Theater, 8 30 • UCSD presen•s contemporary concert, Recital Hall, 8:15 .. Continuing: D, Q, S. lnternationa

Ubu Cocu opens at San Diego Stat Aztec Ce 0 ter Backdoor, 8. • UCSDpresents faculty cham- ber music concert, 8:15 p.m., Recita Hal .. Cont nuing. D, Q, s.

to o

TRIBUNE Dispatch SP!tINGFIELD, Ohio - The Un- ;i::~1 o~t San Diego football team d yesterday and was sch 0 :J:~ :r a~other practice today t;; we th ge accustomed to colder a er and the time-zone h for tomorrow's NCAA o· . ange pl ff l VlSIOn 11I U;i~~rsit;ame against Wittenberg The emperature was 35 d and a chilly wind bl egrees Toreros practiced yest!~a;h~:~he ness remained from an ea;l P· rain but Wittenberg's field y-week re~tedJ~~e dry tomorrow fo;~~/~· (KSD6 rad?o{f~a:int~ 0 broadcast The Toreros (9-1-l) 1 t · ~~rf for the playoffs i~e 7ov%1cf 1t. Miv:asf; &ame eligibility rules. e starting lineup replacements were Andy B b as wide receiver Jerr ro erg at ft>nsive end / b Y Rowlett at de- and Darreii ~!s:~kers Jim Rauch Vic Bennett. ars, and safety


USD-USIU clash tonight

USO School Records Fall InAbundance ' University of San Diego has broken or tied 39 school records with its 7-1-1 football team this season. USO amassed 534 yards in total offense last week in its 56-20 romp over U.S. Inter- national University. Tail- ' back Rich Paulson estab- lished a school record with his 12th touchdown of the year. Quarterback Bob Dulich already the NCAA Divisio~ III total offense leader in- creased his margin with 383 yards rushing and passing against the Westerners in- cludmg five TD aerials.

Season records might be deceiving to- night when University of San Diego (6-1-1) and U.S Internat10nal University (6-1) meet at USD Stadium. Westerner coach Don Turner believes his club has played the tougher schedule in defeating only Southern Utah in the opener and Torero coach Andy Vinci tends to agree USO has operated an offensive jugger- naut tn 1973. It leads the NCAA College Division in total offense. Only UC-River- side has sidetracked the Toreros but they had to reach back for a 2I·point fourth

quarter last week to catch Humboldt StatP (l-5-2), 28-28. Moreover, crosstown rivalries have their way of straying from the form chart, reference USC-UCLA clashes through the years. Players to watch in the 7:30 game include quarterback Bob Dulich, tailbacks Rich Paulson, Sammy Croom and Lee Davis, r ceiver Ernie Yarbrough and line- backers ike Wagner and Pete Sanchez of USD; tailback Collie Cann and receiver Vince Zarkovich of USIU


ot that it would have had much to do with the eventual utcome of the game, but U.S. International University's meeting with University of San Diego Saturday night got off to a strange start. The Westerners realized they had to control the ball, keep it away from the explosive Toreros if USIU was to stand a chance as a heavy underdog. USO apparc,tl; ,v~J stopped on its opening series with a fourth and two at the Toreros' 35. However, USO was • detected holding on the third down play. Instead of forcing a punt n fourth down, USll! elected to take the penalty erners since Riverside is the with USO retaining third one team to defeat USD this down. season. As a result, quarterback Dulich was in rare form Bob Dulich connected on a Saturday night as he made pass to Andy Sanchez for 34 good on 20 of 28 passes for sr,.r1sr,cs 389 yards and five touch- uw ust ~ downs. His TD aerials in 1, 1.u io order were for 13 yards to ~ 6 Lee Davis, 67 to Erme Yar- 1l: brough, four to Sammy 1 ~1 Croom, 63 to Yarbrou h 1 ' 128 10 139 again and 16 to Sanchez yard • all the way to the USD's other scores came U IU 41. Four plays. later on a five-yard run by Croom, the Torero:; had therr first of a 62-yard return by Winston gbt bdown en route to Sharp of a blocked field goal 20 . P for a seventh attempt and a 25-yard dash ctory a inst one loss and by Rich Paulson. USIU's six-pointers came s I cumbed for a on runs of 33 and one yards t gbt w_eck after by Collie Cann and Sampson mg victory. Horne and a 36-yard pass both teams take from Kerman Machado to to the olid. USD playing a Ted B.iwser. unday 11ft rnoon contest at -





· 28, 1973

· ical Notebook . Assemblyman Bob Wilson, _make several appearances D-La Mesa, has endorsed the m Sa_n Diego to~orrow. 1·1· 1 f · ·t· t· He will speak at Salomon po 1 1ca . re orm 1m 1a ive, Le t H ll t u iversity of now bemg circulated by c ure a a n a an Common Cause and People's San Diego at noon, . t S Lobby. Diego S_tate Umversi_ty at 2 The measure limiting ex- p.m., will dedicate his cam- penditures of c~ndidates for paign headqauarters at 1094 statewide office and requir- Cudahy Place, at 3: 3 o p._m. ing fuller disclosure of cam- He will have a fu nd ·raismg paign contributions, would cocktal party_ at 4 : 30 p.m. "put government back in the and a fund-raismg ctmner at hands of the public and take 6 :SO p.m., bo th at th ~ Kona special interest groups out of Kai Club. controlling candidates and campaigns," said Wilson. The Assembly Finance Assemblyman William and_ Insurance Committee, Craven, R-Oceanside, a chaffed by Assemblyman former county supervisor, W_ad1e P. Oeddeh, D-Chu\a will be honored for his coun- Vista: will hold heanngs m ty service at a testimonial the ~ilver Room of the Com- dinner tonight at the Bahia mumty Con_course on tomor- Hotel starting with cocktails row a nd Friday begmmng at 9:30 a.m both days. Tomor- at 7 p.m. row's hearings will involve >/.. unemployment insurance San Francisco Mayor Jo· and Friday's will concern seph Alioto, a Democratic repeal of the state Crime candidate for governor, will Insurance Act.

Toreros win aerial duel It was a football fan's delight. U.S. International University and USO filled the air with footballs, the result of which was more than 700 passing yards. USD was more successful as the Toreros creamed their crosstown rivals 56- 20, Saturday night at USD's stadium. Torero quarterback Bob Dulich connected on 20 of 28 passes for 389 yards and five touchdowns. His TD ae- rials in order were for 13 yards to Lee Davis, 67 to Ernie Yarbrough, fout to Sammy Croom, 63 to Yar- brough and 16 to Sanchez. USIU quarterbacks 'fike Ottombrino and Kerman Machado eombined for 26 of 53 pas es good for 335 yards. This w k both teams take to the road. USD plays Sunday aft noon at Loyola of Lo Angeles while SIU meets UC H1v1•rsid . the only tea o beat USO, Sa- turday.


USD program 'Protestanti set W ednesd

USO 9-game statistics: TEI\M USO



Opp.. ..


First aowns RusheS vardaqe Passing yardage Return yardage Punts a\lerage Fumbles lost Pena 1 t es ;ardage PaS!. no



3116 1875

373 777 14_.9

1995 753


I A program on "The Baq,,)-.J Principles of Protestantis~ will be held at the University 0 i:;j San Diego Wednesday. The 7: 3 o p.rn. lecture will be in Salomon Lecture Hall In De Sales Hall Hosted by the Ecumeni Centerfor World Religio part of Its series on religions, the:d~••~· will be -Dr. professor of Christian Theology, American Baptist Seminary of the West.

130 231 12

110 257-17 71 -35.2

36 338

25 IJ 81 752

2410 61 650

Rushing TC Yds.. TD.Long.Avg 91 6« 12 73 7 I 97 '49 7 JI 4 6 99 218 2 ,a 2.8 2523545594 JS 212 o ,1 5.6 P•sslng M PC HI Yds..TD. Long 201 114 10 1113 16 89 15 11 o 205 o 52 Receiving No.. Yds..TD. Long 55 918 8 78 48 715 5 89 e 120 1 ,1 8 9714JI Punting No.. Yds.. Avg..Long


Paulson Croom Dulich Davis Sintay

Dullch Tomlmson

Yarbrough A. Sanchez Broberg Croom






Punt Returns

No. Yds.. Avg..Long

A Sanchez



16 l


Loyola of Los Angeles while US!U m • ts UC Riverside Saturday. ii looks l ·gnment

Kickoff Retums

No.. Yds..Avg..Long 378 23 6 55 No Yds.. TD Long 5 135 2 43 16

A Sanchez



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