News Scrapbook 1973-1974
f,!,a,·or. --? ... tu '-i ,,~ 3L Japanese , · 7 Here To Study English At USD Thirty-two Japanes women from the University of the Sacred Heart, Shibuya campus in Toky6, have ar- rived in San Diego to stu English at the University of San Diego. The three-week course will be taught by Si ter Eileen Cotter., an Enghsh literature and lin,gulslics specialis\, Members of the ',\'Q)ncn's ~uxlliary to th~ UJi\versity of San Diego )lave arrirnged me "typically American•• programs for thP Japanese students. A baseball game and a barbecue will be in- cluded.
Scientists begin digging into area man's history Lt\ :lt>UA Lt4#1" · 1/?-D/1'1 By LOLA SHER'.VIAN Friday, the fence went up to Scientists set up a fenced camp on protect the site. a bluff overlooking the Pacific Over the weekend, students ·and Ocean last weekend in hope of other volunteers under the direction finding some clue to life almost . of Prpf James Moriarif y pf) ,a .TnJ)a, 50,000 years ago. professor at Universitr They're digging at the site of the "Diego, began the !abono • ork of "Del Mar Man," oldest known s1Itmg ~he grains of sand inhabitant of the WeS t ern They're just north of the Hemisphere.. the San D1eguito River. Del Mar Man, a new name, was Not too long ago, the bluffs site discovered 45 years ago but wasn't was proposed for a major apartment considered all that significant. The project. late Malcolm J. Rogers, then an archcologist for the San Diego James Scripps, a sometimes Del Museum of Man, found Del Mar Mar resident, through the Scripps Foundation, put up $125,000 to help
the city buy the bluffs for a natural preserve. City officials trod the exact site of the archeological dig when they visited the new park and when they erected the sign identifying it. Th dig is just below that rustic sign, The bluff itself has suffered quite a bit of erosion sin e 1929, as pictures from the museum attest. Archeologists have promi 0 ed the city they'll restore the site to its before - the - dig slate once they're through. In the meantime, they' ll explain their work and offer visitors a short tour.
Man's skull ern n L Jolla at ii luncheon for members of the t Botsford's Old Pl c M etlng xecut1ve comm1tte Ecumenic I Center for the Study of World R~lig!ons at the University of San Diego are, from left, the Rev. Norbert J. R1g1h, chairman of the R ligious Studies Department at USO; Or. Delwin Schnelder, m mb r of th USO Religious Studies faculty and coordinator of the cum n c I Cent r; Mr . Thomas K elin and Mrs. Walter Leuthold, m mbers of the executiv commltt e. a Jollans participate USD Ee menical Ce ter of th t.A jfJl.lA Llt,11-r 7/V/7f Terri Briden and Prof. James Moriarity of La Jolla work at the site of 'Del Mar Man,' oldest known inhabitant of the New World. The archeological dig is on the City of Del Mar's Bluffs Preserve. (Staff Work will be carried on from 9 a.m, to 4:30 p.m daily. photo by Steve Zimmerman) · · ---------~-~-~~~Reserve. .7PJ.f 1 lf71/ t USD gets $30,000 tfor legal program Leuthold, Mr Harold A Roth, and Mr. J. Frederick Widmer. dha wh lh two week eminar h 111g held nl USD on the Spirllu lily of the Am rican Indian. La Jollan Dr Delwln Schneld r, coordinator for the Ecumenical Center for th tud, of World R hgton , outlined future pro rams of the center Among La Jollans at- t ng th luncheon were D Eth I gmsky, Dr. and • r Harry A. Collins, Mrs. I 'Tia Fmn, M. Mitche Hun rs.Thomas W. · lr Walter expected to participate for credit in the clinical program in the fall semester. The present five-year-old program consists of the operation of four legal clinical' offices which are run by the Law School and one college student group legal service office, Students offer the full range of legal represen- tation to indigent clients and several field placement offices in the agencies involving criminal prosecution and criminal defense work. The improved program will totally involve the law student for a full semester in the supervised practice of law. This is the first time the university has been the beneficiary of a CLEPR grant. A grant totalling $30,000 has been approved for tlie .._University of San Diego ;:i School of Law's Legal Clinic program by the l Council of Legal Education for Professional Respon- sibility, Inc. (CLEPR), according to Dean Donald _, T. Weckstein. Commencing Aug. 1. the grant will extend for two academic years and will be used to increase the clinic's faculty. According to Weckstein, "CLEPR funds will pay part of the salaries of two full-time clinical in- structors in law, two ad- junct professors to teach academic components and two affiliated professors who will conduct seminars and work with students on clinic cases." At least 90 students are \ lednesday, July 10, 197" Mass said for osalie Moynahan Friday, July 5, 1974 Soprano To Present _Recital Today Soprano Ermen M?ra~, University of San Diego's accompanied by pianist Cammo Theater. Proceeds Pamela Stubbs, will play a will be donated _to the USD recital at s p.m. today in the Music Scholarship Fund. r Ermen Moradi rehearses an Armenian folk song for her husband Fred. Mrs. Moradi will be singing in a July 12 rec it a I at the University of San Diego. Moradi to sing July 12 in summer benefit recital Mass was said today in Mary Star of the ea .Roman Catholic Churci, La Jolla, for Rosalie M loy- nahan, 83, a retired attor- ney for the Depart• ment of Justit'C Washing- ton. Burial be in t. Pleasant, N.Y She died Monday. Miss ~oynahan, 83, of 2552 Torrey Pines Rd., moved to La Jolla on her retirement in 1958 and be- came active in the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La olla Historical So- c iety. the Repnohcan Women' Clu nd the church. She also was a member of the Amencan Bar ~n She attend :\tanhattan- ville Sacred H art College and Columbia University, and received her law de- gree from ew York L"ni- ver ·ity School or Law. Her only survivor is a sister in ew York. Summer • pVJ1G;brie1'~7't~ki~g for artist to refurbish stat~e. - LA-'._.~ University of San Diego School of Education gets S~,000 D) \t\'' federal grant to train teachers of mentally retarded for pnvate '\ and public schools. • the door the night of' the performance, $2 general admission, $1 for students with identification. will be Pamela Ermen Moradi, La Jolla vocalist, will perform in a summer recital July 12 at 8 p.m. in Camino Theatre, University of San Diego. The evening program will benefit the university's Music Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Ioradi's repertoire will include singing soprano in the original languages of at least six different nations. She earned her bachelor of music degree at Con- servatoire, Tehran, studied in Italy and France and received her master of music degree from UCLA. Mrs. Moradi, who was born in Tehran, has per- formed on radio and television m Iran, in ad- dition to opera workshops, concerts and recitals in Southern California. She also teaches from her private studio here. The July 12 progr':lm will be divided into sev1::n parts which will include works by major song, opera and oratio composers, among them Bach, Schubert, Brahms, Dubussy, Rosinni and Turina Persian and Armenian folk songs from her native country will end the per- formance. g[OUJJ Ol nu5u._.._ ,._ '"'t'.."" ..,,.._,._ ..,.,.., • ..,.. ._1vu llt .,411 ... . Details 475-0823. University of San Diego music scholarship benefit Ermen Moradi, vocalist, m recital 8 p.m. Friday, July 12, Camino Theater, Alcala Park. Donation $2, students $1. San Diego Catholic charismatic renewal movement hosts western regional charismatic conference Aug. 2-4 San Diego's Charles Dail Concourse. Information 223-3946. Diocesan Catholic Daughters of America courts pan in CDA national convention July 14-19, Lo; Angeles•.~-,. Joseph Remley to be ordained permanent deacon J t :30 a.m. Mass Sunday, July 7, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church, San Diego. ~nive,:stty or San Diego School of Law accepting ~eg1st~at1ons for summer courses at Alcala Park campus and m Pans, France and Mexico. Information: 291-6480, ext. 66. _Father Lawrence P':ll'~u•_s installation as chaplain of San Diego Serra Club at m1t1ation dinner Wednesday, July 10, Port 8;oyale ~otel, Shelter Island. He is rector of diocesan St. Francis Seminary,
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