1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Lemon Syrup.

Take 5 gallons of gum syrup. 4 ounces of tartaric acid. 1 ounce of oil of lemon. 1 pint of alcohol. Cut the oil of lemon in the alcohol, add the tartaric acid, and mix thoroughly with the syrup.

Essence of Lemon.

Take 1 ounce of oil of lemon.

1 quart of alcohol (95 per cent. ) ~~ pint of water. 1$ ounces of citric acid.

Grind the ci t ri c acid t o a p owder i n a p o r celain mortar; dissolve it in the water. T h en cut the oil of lemon in the alcohol, and add the acid water.

Essence of Cognac.

Take 1 ounce of oil of cognac.

~2 gallon of spirits (95 per cent. ) 1 gallon of spirits (70 per cent.) 2 ounces of strong ammonia. 1 pound of fine black tea. 2 pounds of prunes.

Dissolve the oil of cognac in the 95 per cent. spirits; cork it tightly in a bottle and let it s t and three days, frequently shaking it, then add the ammonia. Mash the prunes (breaking the kernels) and put them with the tea and the 70 per cent. spirits into a stone jar of 3 gallons capacity; cover closely, and let it stand for eight days.

Ha a e l o c R T o b a c c o s a Retai l p rice,6d.,1/-41/6per plug

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