Dental Health 2018 Catalog



IodineTest Strips Test strips may be used to verify adequate levels (higher than 0.5 ppm) of iodine release. 571-TEST 50/bottle .................. $25.75

Pro-Portion Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution - Sultan Healthcare

Monarch ™ Lines Cleaner - Air Techniques

General purpose cleaning solution. Super con- centrated 1oz. packets eliminate lifting, mixing, storage and handling problems. Each packet makes 1 gallon of solution. 530-21360 20/box ...................... $71.95

Once-a-week solution for cleaning dental unit waterlines. Neutral pH formula helps attack accumulated deposits in tubing lines without the use of harsh chemicals. Ready-to-use, no mix- ing or diluting required. Non-corrosive. Fresh


Minty scent. 530-H6340

16.9oz .................... $12.45

Liquid Ultra ® Solution - Crosstex International

Kills biofilm bacteria; removes existing biofilm and prevents/suppresses formation of biofim in dental unit waterlines. May be used as a weekly treat- ment; in conjunction with a tablet protocol and to rapidly treat waterlines prior to initiating a new treatment protocol, or to quickly treat DUWLs with extremely high CFU conditions. Contains: 10 -3oz bottles Solution 1 and 10 -3oz bottles Solution 2. 530-503L Each....................... $110.45

ReSURGE ™ Instrument Cleaning Solution - Sultan Healthcare

Formula helps protect your instruments’ passive layer (outer coating), reducing the potential for stains, spots and even rust. Neutral pH, biode- gradable and environmentally friendly. Self-Measuring Bottle Makes 67 gallons. 530-21521 33.8oz. .................... $93.25 Packets Each 0.5oz. packet makes 1 gallon. 530-21520 24/box ..................... $63.45

Mint-A-Kleen - Anodia Systems A 16 oz. bottle will clean waterlines in one opera- tory for an entire month, with no need for supplementary products. Ingredients do not cor- rode, clog or leave residue in waterlines, bottles or equipment.A mint blue, liquid solution with a con- venient three-step, once-per-week process. 530-2000500 16oz. ....................... $12.75

TeamVista ™ Dental UnitWaterline Cleaner - Hu-Friedy

Provides both an organic irrigant and registered antimicrobial cleaner for enhanced patient care. For use in independent water bottle systems. Provides continuous cleaning of waterlines for up to one week. Non-corrosive – gentle and safe on equipment. One year supply per operatory. Contains: 1oz. of VistaClean Irrigant Solution and 15 VistaTab Cleaner Tablets. 530-IMS1450 Each ..................... $214.75 VistaTab CleanerTablets When placed in water, the solid tablet quickly dis- solves to create a non-corrosive solution seven times more effective than bleach. 530-IMS1451 15/pkg ................... $148.25 VistaClean Irrigant Solution Concentrate Daily irrigant solution derived from organic citrus botanicals. Leaves no taste or odor, completely non-toxic, environmentally friendly and has no negative effect on bond strength. 530-IMS1452 1oz .......................... $92.25

DentaPure ® - Crosstex International Delivers uninterrupted water treatment to dental waterlines, substantially reducing patient and staff exposure to harmful bacteria for a year. Reliable, simple to use and easy to install.NO tab- lets, NO hazardous Silver, NO distilled water requirement, NO concern about use with amal- gam separators, NO allergenic iodine proteins, NO special disposal requirements. Water Bottle Cartridge 571-DP365B Each...................... $244.95 MunicipalWater Supply Cartridge 571-DP365 Each...................... $244.95

Clean & Simple -Tuttnauer Ultrasonic/enzymatic solution dispensed in tablet form. Dissolves in 45-60 seconds producing a non-ammoniated enzymatic general purpose solution. Non-toxic, biodegradable and non-caus- tic.Two tablets make 1 gallon. Single Pack 530-CS0064 64/box ..................... $59.95

Econo Pack 530-CS0144

144/box .................. $107.95


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