U Magazine, Spring 1989
A L u M N
Cannon in 1980 to form
ney International in Februa1y. He lives in Guam .. . Dan V. Olson and his w ife, Susie, recently had a daughter, Monica Rosea nne. Dan is a tax manager for Wicks Com– panies, Inc...Ann (Freter '78) Abrams and her husband , Elliot, have completed Ph.D.'s in anthro– pology at Penn State and both are on staff at Ohio University. They are the parents of a son who was born March 13. the San Diego campus of West Coast University. He also is Kiwa– nis Lt. Governor for San Diego Division 11. Jay is starting his sec– ond term as civil service commis– sioner for the city of Coronado.. Charles Aldridge was promoted and transferred from Chicago to Kansas City as branch manager, Carrier Building Services, An expanded communications program between the university and alumni Board member Clare Wbite '79 explained the plan, which calls/or morefrequent and more in-depth published communication between USD and its alumni. Wbite said tbe amount ofcoverage devoted to alumni in tbe qua11erly U Magazine will inc1·ease during the next couple ofyears. In addiiion, the ;'Alumni" newslette1~ currently a single sheet publication sent to all alumnifive times per year, will be increased to tabloid size and be publisbed monthly. Kenya for the Catholic Order of the Christian Brothers, died of ma– laria on March 8. He was assigned to East Africa about a year ago after attending Ma1yknoll Lan– guage School in Tanzania to learn Swahili. Joseph Schmidt m jo ined forces with Neil Jay Forst is a project marketing representative at United Technologies... BillJemba's son , W il– liam Joseph, was a year old o n March 11...Brother John Cislo, who taught in
and played a British team. The game was a draw clu e to the weather. Ma1y w ill manage the team for local matches in Virginia during 1989.
Summit Aspires to Boost Association to New Heights Organizers billed it as the most important gathering in
the highly suc– cessful firm of Schmidt-Can– non, Inc. The firm is located in Industry, Calif., and con– ducts business throughout the
Frank Trombley cur– rently is a visiting assistant
histo1y professor at UCLA. He taught history at Georgetown Uni– versity in Washington, D.C. , from 1985 to 1988 after receiving his Ph.D. in Byzantine histo1y from UCLA.
JosepbJ. Scbmidt 111 '80 U.S. , Canada and Puerto Rico. The company was honored in May at an Inc. Magazine awards cere– mony in Cleveland, Ohio, for ranking 96th on Inc.'s list of the fastest growing, privately held companies in the county. The ceremony was part of a three-day conference of Inc. 500 compa– nies... John Wilder retired from the U .S. avy in June 1984 and worked for 4 1/ 2 yea rs at Bell Helicopter Textron in Fort Worth , Texas. He presently is a senior engineer for F-16 support equip– ment at General Dynamics' Fort Worth division.. Joe Mendez Davis, owner of Primo Auto Bro– kers in San Diego since 1982, also is an account executive w ith GTE Mobile Communications... Carl Commenator recently was ap– pointed counsel and mino rity staff director of the Committee on Vet– erans' Affairs, U.S. House of Rep– resentatives. Michelle Merrill (J.D. '85) works as a contract specialist at General Dynamics/ .Convair. She wi ll wed Barry Long, also with General Dynamics, Sept. 30...Tom Finucane and his wife, Yolanda, are expecting their third child in July. Tom works for the Chicago streets and sanitation de– partment. each other in the Marine Corps and now are completing a six– month deployment in the Far East. They have been to Japan, Korea, the Republic of the Philip– pines and Hong Kong. It's pretty unusual to find two USO gradu– ates serv- Dan Nerhert '82&Mike Fabe,y '8 7 ing in the same company on the other side Dan Herbert and Mike Fahey '87 met up with
The Most Rev. Dean Bekken was elected pa tri–
arch of the Liberal Catholic Church International at the Sep– tember 1988 General Episcopal Synod meeting in Ma1ylancl ... Anna-Marie Glowak and Jorgene Jensen sponsored the fourth annual Easter hat pa- rade in La Jolla on March
Micb"e/ Liuzzi 76
the history oftbe Alumni Association. And few would dispute that claim.following tbefirst ever Alumni Summit meeting March 11. The meeting, called to un– veil an ambitious Five-Year Plan f or tbe association authored hy alumni hoard members last spring, attracted some 125 alumni to Alcala Park. They heard a parade of speakers detail plans that call f or expanded communications between the university and alumni, continued growth in the number of alumni events, ji111her enhancement ofthe alumni benefits program, expansion. ofthe alumni awards program and an increase in the alumni board's membership. Details on tbose plans f al– low on tbe next several pages.
26.. The parade is a community endeavor that continues to get bigger and better eve1y yea r. Dr. Raymond Greenwell is an associate professor of mathematics and coord i– nator of the graduate pro– gram in applied mathe–
matics at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N .Y. He lives in Hempstead w ith his wife, Karla Harby, a free-lance writer.
Paul Stevens and his wife, Barbara, are the
proud parents of three daughters. The latest addition, Hay ley, was born Oct. 13. Paul was recently promoted to vice president and general sales manager of Matson Navigation Co. The family resides in the Bay Area... Dennis Blair and Mary (Benton) Blair '78 an– nounce the birth of their first child , a son, Patrick Dennis, born Feb. 10. for the Hong Kong committee for UNICEF in May 1988. She concur– rently runs a food brokerage firm representing U.S. agriculture products. She has lived overseas since 1981... N.O. Miyashita is managing partner of Miyashita and Denm's, P.C. , which became a member firm of Ernst and Whin- Teresa Jenna was ap– pointed executive director
Gregory Pearson died of cance r March 24 at his
home in Denver. Pearson was a teacher at Denver's Metropolitan State for over 20 years, and had worked part-time as a copy editor for the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News.
Mary (Williams) Schaller, a "dedicated
non-athl ete" at USO, managed an all-American teenage cricket team last summer. They played several exhibition matches in Virginia and then traveled to Oxford, England,
18 U Magazine
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