U Magazine, Spring 1989
L u M N
Classroom lessons Still Paying Off for Lavine
Motorola, Inc. in Scottsda le , Ari z... .Maria Cullen w ill many Bill Herbert in September in Pa los Ve rdes.
gin med ica l school in Los Angeles in August. ..Denise Rodrique z is an instructor for Dynatech Newstar, a broadcast compute r compa ny based in J\ilad ison, \Xlis. The job allows he r to trave l all over the U.S. and Europe . ried Jan. 29 at St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. Michael is a fa mily and child counseling the ra– pist at St. Kathe rine ·s Home for Boys and Girls in Corona , Calif... Richard Williams g rad u– ' ated from office r cand i- date school with the United States Coast Guard in December. He curre ntly atte nds flight school at the SUMMIT PROPOSAL Continued en– hancement of the benefits and services brochure outlining alumni benefits and services will be mailed to alt alumni next/all in an attempt to make more graduates awcu-e oftbe dis– counts and benej1ts available to tbem, sucb as car 1·ental dis– counts and discount enter– tainment park tickets. Among tbe new projects under way : publication ofan updated direct01y listing tin names, addresses andpbone numbers ofall alumni and development ofa mail order gift catalog of USD insignia items. provided to alumni Lori Simpson said a Nava l Air Station in Pe nsacola, Fla. - IN HOC , Sempe r Pa ratus, and thanks.James Ca ltrider 1 •• Marine 2nd Lt. Jacques Naviaux and 2nd Lt. Mario Solis graduated from The Basic School in Quantico, Ya. They were prepa red as newly commis– sioned officers for assignment to the Fleet Mari ne Force. The 26- \veek cou rse includes instru ction on land navigation, marksman– ship, tactics, mil itary law, person– nel administration, Marine Corps history and traditions, commu ni– cations and the techniques of mili– tary instru ction... Mary Becker and Joe Billsborough will be married in Seattle on July 1. The couple live in San Diego .. Barbara (Coulter) Broderick Michael Kallas and Katina Pegas were mar–
Ellen Silber is conducting AIDS research for U.C.
By Jacqueline Genovese
If it were up to Dennis Lavi ne '79 (MBA) , the NCAA basket– ball championship tournament would be played after April 15. "That's the only bad thing about being in the accounting busi– ness, " laughs the La Jolla accountant , a partner in the fi rm of Engelberg and Lavine. "During tax season, we don't get to watch much of the NCAA tournament. " Although the University of North Carolina alum missed watching his Tar Heels in action this year, he 's not compla ining. "I enjoy the challenge of running a business," he says. "It's a learning experience. I get immed iate feedback on what I'm doing ." From the looks of things, most of that feedback has been positive. The November 1987 issue of Money magazine listed the Ohio native as one of the nation 's "Best Tax Practitioners. " In 1987, he also received the District Accountant Advocate Award from the Small Business Administration. And last October Lavi ne was named Volunteer of the Month by the San Diego Chamber of Commerce. Yet the soft-spoken Lavine is modest about his accomplish– ments. He firmly believes it's impo rtant fo r independent busi– ness people to give back to the community. "San Diego is a small-business town," he says. "It is impo1tant to contribute and support fellow businesses." The fathe r of two credits the quality of his education at USD for some of his business success. "These days an accountant has to know more than just debits and credits. An account- ant has to be a good business ad- viser," he ex- plains, "and to do that you have to understand all business aspects, no t just ac- counting. USD gave me a good overall business background. " When he 's no t "playing bas- ketball o r doing tax returns, " Lavine and his wife, Kathy, a fellow Ohio native , en- joy tennis and playing with their
Francine Stehly and Scott Morey '88 will be
married Sept. 23 in the Immacu– lata. Fra ncine teaches first grade at Rincon in Escond ido and Scott
assigned to the Fleet Marine Force. The 26-week course in– cludes instruction on land naviga– tion, marksmansh ip , tactics, mili– tary law, personne l administra– tion, Marine Corps history and tra– ditions, communications and the techniques of milita1y instruc- tion. ..Sean Burke opened his own business, Power Ma rketing, in June 1987 and has offices in Palm Springs, San Diego, Tucson, Santa Barbara , etc...Allison Tubbs and Steven Jorgensen were married in Janua1y at Found– ers Chapel. Al lison is an office manager for the Mission Bay Aquatic Center. Steven is a city pla nner for the city of El Cajon.. Lt. J.G. Raymond Pigeon just fi nished a six-month \'(fest-Pac tour with the U.S. Navy in the Per– sian Gu lf. He's back now in Sa n Diego with his wife , Lisa (Ander– son '89) Pigeon a nd the ir son, Dylan , in their Ra ncho Penasqui– tos home .. .Leo Valdivia com– pleted a master's degree in public health in nutrition and has been working as a health ed ucator at the Logan Heights Family Hea lth Cente r in San Diego. He w ill be-
two daughters, Megan , 6, and Alison , 3. "The other day Megan wanted to know what a college was ," he says smiling. "So I brought her up to USD."
Dennis Lavine '79 (MBA)
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