U Magazine, Spring 1989
Spring 1989
University of San Diego
Vol . 4 , Na. 3
USD philosophy Professor Dennis Ro hatyn knows no limits in the search for knowledge. That devotion has led to a rathe r extraordina1y life .
The Sky's the limit By Diane Ingalls
It's been a lifelong dream of law Professor Robert Fellmeth: an institute to protect the legal rights of children. Now the dream has partially come true .
AVoice for the Children
By Jacqueline Genovese .___ .......,
A cast of thousands walks across the Alcala Park stage eve1y day. He re's a look at a few of the characters.
All the World's a Stage Photography by Pablo Mason
4 Alcala Almanac
18 Alumni Galle1y
23 Kaleidoscope
U Magazine Editor
USD President Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. Vice Pres ident for University Relations John G. Mc amara Director of Alumni Relations John Trifiletti '78
U Magazine is published four Limes a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, Sunm1er) by the University of San D iego for its alumni, parents and friends. The magazine seeks to Lell the story of the USO family in an editorially and graphically compelling manner. Ideas are welcome. Magazine address: Publications Office, University of San Diego, Alca la Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Telephone: (619) 260-4684. Reproduction in w hole or in pan w ithout written permission is prohibited. Third cla s postage paid at San Diego, CA 92110. Postmaster: Send address changes to U Magazine, Publications O ffice, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110.
John Sutherland Assistant Editor Jacqueline Genovese Art Director Tyler Blik Chief Photographer Pablo Mason Ex ecutive Editor Charles Re illy
On the cover: USD philosophy Professor Dennis Rohatyn. Photo by Pablo Mason.
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