Health for Life - Summer 2018

in pictures

Leads the Way Kern Medical

The leaders at Kern Medical are spear- heading innovation on every level, both within the organization and out in the community. In an effort to provide more for our community, we continue to par- ticipate in events and connect with the people we serve.



Pictured clockwise from top left: A) Jeffery Hill, Kyisha Clay-Roby, Bre Ann Har- rington, Jina Pappas, Veronica Lomely, and Monette Hoburn are honored at the 11th An- nual Association of Kern County Nurse Leaders RN of the Year event. B) Miranda Du Toit and Bre Ann Harrington attend the March of Dimes walk at Riverwalk Park, where Kern Medical won the awards for best t-shirt and team spir- it. C) Lori Tolleson discusses various careers in healthcare with students. D) Aidee Cardenas and Miranda Whitworth-Muñoz promote Re- fine, Kern Medical’s new medical Spa, at the Bakersfield Women’s Business Conference. E) Connie Green instructs a student during Stop the Bleed training.





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