Cityworks Quick Start 15.3

Cityworks 15.3 Quick Start Guides

Access Online Help Create a Service Request Asset Create an Attached Work Order Attach an Asset to an Existing Work Order

Create a Standard Inspection Create a Custom Inspection ELM Quick Search Search for a Service Request

Search for a Work Order Search for an Inspection GIS Search Create a Saved Search Configure the Inbox Add a Saved Search to the Inbox Add Attachments to Assets Using the Data View Tool Asset Analytics Create a Bookmark Android 6 Create a Service Request Android 6 Create an Attached Inspection Android 6 Create an Attached Work Order iOS6 Create a Service Request iOS6 Create an Attached Inspection iOS6 Create an Attached Work Order Create an Activity from the Map Create an Event Layer Move a Record that Appears in an Event Layer

Office 15.3

Access Online Help

Cityworks provides many resources that allow users to utilize the software to its greatest potential. From thorough documentation, quick start guides, white papers, knowledge base articles, and help videos, you can find help for whatever questions you might have. 1. To access the online help for AMS or PLL from Cityworks, open the user menu.

A new browser tab will open with the selected online help. To access all documentation and help articles, visit MyCityworks. 3. Use the Search field at the top of the page to search for any resource.

2. Select AMS Help or PLL Help .

Any resources containing the information you entered will be listed. Some resources allow you to access the documentation through a web format or through a downloaded PDF format.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Create a Service Request

1. From your inbox main toolbar, open a new Service Request . 2. On the Problem List tab, select a domain group and a template from the lists.

A new service request is created.

5. Enter any additional information in the panels of the newly created service request. 6. Click Save to save any changes.

3. In the Incident Information and Caller Information tabs, provide information about the incident or the caller. Note: You can also search for the desired template by entering a keyword on the Problem Keywords tab.

4. Click Save .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Create an Attached Work Order

1. On the map, use the Legend tool to select the layer you would like to make selectable on the map. 2. Select a Selection tool and select the asset(s) on the map.

4. From the inbox main toolbar, create a new work order. 5. Select an Entity Group , Feature , and template from the lists.

The selected assets are highlighted on the map.

6. Fill in the information in the General panel.

The Results panel displays information on the selected assets. 3. Select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon on the Results panel.

7. Click Create . 8. Enter any additional information on the work order.

Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .

9. Click Save .

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Office 15.3 for AMS

Attach an Asset to an Existing Work Order

1. Open the work order you want to attach an asset to. 2. Click the Open the map icon to open the map in a new tab. 3. On the map, use the Legend tool to select the layer you want to make selectable on the map. 4. Select a Selection tool and select the asset(s) on the map.

6. In the Assets panel in the work order, click Add assets currently selected in session .

7. Click Save .

The assets are now attached to the work order.

Alternatively, add assets to a work order by clicking Add assets by searching type and id .

5. In the Results panel, select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon.

Note: It is recommended that you eventually attach all unattached work orders to assets.

Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Create a Standard Inspection

Standard inspections are created from work orders. 1. Open the work order attached to the desired asset. 2. From the Assets panel, select the asset to include in the standard inspection. 3. Click the Create an inspection on selected assets icon.

The standard inspection panel opens.

6. Fill in the information on all the inspection tabs and panels.

Note: If multiple assets are selected, a separate inspection for each asset will be created.

The Create an Inspection panel appears.

4. Select an Entity Group , Feature , and standard inspection template from the Template list. 5. Click Create .

7. Click Save .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Create a Custom Inspection

1. On the map, use the Legend tool to select the layer you would like to make selectable on the map. 2. Select a Selection tool and select an asset on the map.

4. Select Inspection on the main toolbar to create a new inspection. 5. Select a template from the list.

The selected asset is highlighted on the map.

6. Click Create .

The Results panel displays information on the selected asset. 3. Select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon on the Results panel.

Note: If multiple assets are selected, a separate inspection for each asset will be created.

7. Enter information in the Inspection and Details tabs.

Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3


1. Open the work order(s) you want to add equipment, labor, and material to using ELM . 2. From the work order drop-down list, click ELM. 3. In the Work Orders panel in the Apply To tab, select the desired work order(s).

8. In the Standard tab, select a Crew .

9. In the Labor , Equipment , and Material panels, fill in the hours and units or add additional employees, equipment, or material. Click Advanced for more options.

4. In the Tasks panel, select the desired task(s) you want to associate with the costs of the equipment, labor, and material.

5. In the Assets panel, select the desired asset(s) you want to associate with the costs of the equipment, labor, and material.

10. Click Save .

Note: The Existing Costs panel displays all equipment, labor, and material already associated with the work order(s).

6. Click the Add Costs tab. 7. At the top of the Add Costs tab, select a Date and Account .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Quick Search

Quick search is used to quickly search for a work activity by its ID. You can search by entering a partial ID number, or the entire ID. 1. Enter the first few numbers of the desired work activity into the search box on the inbox main toolbar and press Enter . The first four activities that contain the numbers entered will appear in the search results.

2. To view more search results of one activity type, click More next to the work activity type. 3. Click Less to hide the expanded search results list.

4. Click the desired work activity to open it.

If you know the entire number of the work activity that you want to open, you can use the quick search to quickly open it. 5. Enter the exact work activity ID and press Enter . If no other work activity type has the same ID, then the work activity will open automatically.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Search for a Service Request

1. Select Search from the Service Request drop-down list on the main toolbar. 2. Enter the search criteria in the General , Details , Problem Type , and Custom Fields tabs.

4. Click Search . 5. Select the service requests you would like to open and click Open Selected . You can also click the RequestId to open a single service request.

You may also perform a quick search by entering the number of the desired service request into the search box on the main toolbar and pressing Enter .

The Search Query panel displays the information you entered in the search tabs.

3. In the Visible Fields in Search Results panel, select the fields you would like to display in the search results.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Search for a Work Order

1. Open a new Work Order search from the inbox main toolbar. 2. Enter the search criteria in the tabs, some of which include General , Details , and Tasks .

4. Click Search . 5. Select the work orders you would like to open and click Open Selected . You can also click the WorkOrderId to open a single work order.

You may also perform a quick search by entering the number of the desired work order into the search box on the main toolbar and pressing Enter .

The Search Query panel displays the information you entered in the search tabs.

3. In the Fields Visible in Search Results panel, select the fields you would like to display in the search results.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Search for an Inspection

1. Open the Inspection search from the inbox main toolbar. 2. For the Inspection Type , select Custom to search for custom inspections or select All to search for both custom and standard inspections. 3. Enter the search criteria in the Inspection and GIS tabs.

5. Click Search . 6. Select the inspections you would like to open and click Open Selected . You can also click the InspectionId to open a single inspection.

You may also perform a quick search by entering the number of the desired inspection into the search box on the inbox main toolbar and pressing Enter .

The Search Query panel displays the information you entered in the search tabs.

4. In the Visible Fields in Search Results panel, select the fields you would like to display in the search results.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

GIS Search

1. Open a new GIS Search from the inbox main toolbar. 2. In the GIS Search panel, select either Feature or Object , then select the Entity Group and Entity .

4. In the Visible Fields in Search Results panel, select the fields you would like to display in the search results.

5. Click Search . 6. Click the OBJECTID to view the details of the asset. 7. Select asset(s) to create work orders, inspections or permits, or to perform searches under the Data drop-down list.

3. In the Search GIS data by entering/selecting values for the following attributes section, enter the attribute data of the asset.

The Search Query panel displays the information you entered in the search panel.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Create a Saved Search

Saved searches can be displayed as an event layer on the map and shared with others. This applies to service requests, work orders, and cases. 1. Open the search page for the desired work activity. 2. Enter the search criteria in the fields and click Save As .

6. Click Save . 7. Click Open on the search toolbar to view a list of saved searches.

To view the results of a saved search, select it and click View in Grid . See the Share a Map with the Public quick start guide for information on sharing a saved search as a map.

The Save As panel will open.

3. Enter the Name and Description of the saved search. 4. The Employee field is automatically populated with your username, but if you wish to assign this saved search to someone else, you can select that person here. 5. Select either Domain , Group , or User to determine who can view the saved search in Cityworks.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Configure the Inbox

The inbox is divided into different components: tabs, panels, columns, and widgets. A tab contains panels, panels contain columns, and columns contain widgets. 1. To configure your inbox, first create a new User or Domain Tab by clicking New Tab .

10. Click Add .

Once multiple widgets have been added, use the arrows to rearrange them.

2. On the new tab, click the Edit icon to change the name of the tab, add a new panel, or delete the tab. 3. Click New User Panel or New Domain Panel . 4. Click the Edit icon in the new panel to change the name, add a column, or delete the panel.

11. To copy a tab to multiple users, open the tab you want to copy and click the arrow below the user menu.

5. Click New Column . 6. To change the width, click the Edit icon in the new column and enter the width in either pixels or percentage. 7. Click Save .

Select the User Inbox the tab is being copied from and the users the tab is being copied to.

12. Click Copy Tab to User(s) .

Note: You must be logged in as an administrator to copy tabs to different users.

8. To add a widget, click the Edit icon in the column. 9. Select a widget from the New Widget drop- down list.

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Office 15.3

Add a Saved Search to the Inbox

Saved searches can be added to domain or user tabs in your Cityworks inbox. 1. Open the domain or user tab you want to add a saved search to. 2. Click the Edit icon in the column where you want the saved search to appear.

6. Select Grid from the View drop-down list.

3. Select Saved Search from the New Widget drop-down list and click Add . 4. Click the Edit icon on the saved search to edit its details.

7. Enter the number of pixels in the Height and Rows fields according to your specifications. 8. Click Close . Open a record from the saved search widget by clicking the ID.

5. Enter a name in the Header , select a Search Type , and select Search . Saved searches can be viewed as a Grid or Map . Work orders have an additional Work Order Frequency option.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cityworks 15.3

Add Attachments to Assets Using the Data View Tool

The Data View tool is used to select event layers, view and modify records and attributes of features, and attach files to assets.

1. To attach a file to an asset, open the Data View tool on the map.

4. Select the Object ID of the desired asset.

An Attachments section appears.

2. In the Assets tab, select a Layer from the drop-down list and click Draw .

3. Draw on the map to select assets on the map.

5. Click Browse , select a file, and click Open .

The file is now attached to the asset.

6. Click the file in the Attachments section to download or view it in a separate browser tab.

The assets are highlighted and appear in the Data View tool.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Office 15.3

Asset Analytics

Asset Analytics provides a summary of selected assets, as well as work history, cost history, GIS attributes, maintenance strategy information, and asset condition.

The Asset Summary panel displays the selected assets and their details.

1. Select assets on the map.

4. To create a work activity, select the flag icon on the desired asset and click Create Work Order or Create Inspection . 5. To export the data as a .csv file, click CSV . 6. Select an asset to view its work history. The work history appears in the Work Orders , Inspections , Cost History , GIS Attributes , and Condition tabs.

2. In the Results panel, select the check box next to the desired assets and click the Flag highlighted assets for work management icon.

The Work Orders and Inspections tabs show work activities attached to the asset. The Cost History tab shows a history of all costs associated with the asset. The GIS Attributes tab shows the attribute data for the selected asset. Finally, the Condition tab displays the condition and maintenance score data for the asset.

Note: To automatically flag assets for work management when assets are selected on the map, enable Auto Save Selection under Tools > Selection .

Note: Work orders must be closed to see costs in Asset Analytics .

3. Click Asset Analytics on the main toolbar of the work management tab.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cityworks 15.3

Create a Bookmark

The Bookmarks tool is used to store frequently visited map extents which can be created for the user, group, or domain. 1. To create a new bookmark, click Bookmarks. 2. Position the map to the view you would like to bookmark. 3. In the Bookmarks panel, enter a name for the bookmark in the text box.

Your bookmark now appears in the View list.

6. To add a scale, select Scale in the Bookmarks panel. 7. Zoom in or out to the scale you wish to save, then click Add .

4. Select Domain , Group , or User from the drop-down list to specify who will be able to view this bookmark. 5. Click Add .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Android 6

Create a Service Request

1. On the map, tap the plus signe in the lower- left corner, then tap Service Request on the Select work activity window.

3. Tap the Template field and select the service request template from the Select a Template panel. 4. Tap Create .

When a service request is created, a Pending icon will appear on the service request to indicate that the service request has not been synced yet. To perform a sync, tap the green map pin or the back arrow to return to the map.

5. Before the service request is synced, tap Questions to complete the questions.

A gray service request map pin is placed in the center of the map.

2. Tap the map to change the location of the request, then tap Continue .

The next time you sync the app, the Pending icon will disappear, the gray pin will become a service request pin, and the service request will be synced with the main system.

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Android 6

Create an Attached Work Order

1. On the map, tap the layer icon in the lower- right corner. Tap an asset layer to make it selectable on the map, then tap Save .

The Asset Group and Assets fields automatically populate based on the selected assets but can be changed. 4. Select the desired work order Template .

2. Tap the Selection tool and drag your finger across the map to select assets. The selected assets are highlighted on the map and a message appears that shows how many assets were selected. 3. Tap the plus sign in the lower-left corner of the map and tap Work Order on the Select work activity window. Note: You can control the visibility of asset layers on the map by tapping the Visible switch in the Layers list.

The Selected Assets field shows the number of assets selected on the map. 5. Tap Type and select either Create a work order for EACH asset or Create a work order for ALL assets from the Select Type panel. Note: The ability to create a work order for each asset selected, or one work order for all assets selected is only available for Android 5.1 and newer. 6. Tap Create . When the work order is created, a Pending icon will appear on the work order to indicate that the work order has not yet been synced.

The next time you synch the app, the Pending icon will disappear and the work order will be synced with the main system.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Android 6

Create an Attached Inspection

1. On the map, tap the layer icon in the lower- right corner. Tap an asset layer to make it selectable on the map, then tap Save .

The Asset Group and Assets fields automatically populate based on the selected assets but can be changed.

4. Select the desired inspection Template .

2. Tap the Selection tool and drag your finger across the map to select assets. Note: You can control the visibility of asset layers on the map by tapping the Visible switch in the Layers list. The selected assets are highlighted on the map and a message appears that shows how many assets were selected. 3. Tap the plus sign in the lower-left corner of the map and tap Inspection on the Select work activity window.

The Selected Assets field shows the number of assets selected on the map. An inspection will be created for each asset selected.

5. Tap Create .

When the inspection is created, a Pending icon will appear on the inspection to indicate that the inspection has not yet been synced.

The next time you sync the app, the Pending icon will disappear, and the inspection will be synced with the main system.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

iOS 6

Create a Service Request

1. On the map, tap the plus sign in the lower- left corner of the map and tap Service Request on the Select work activity window.

3. Tap the Template field and select the service request template from the Select a Template panel. 4. Tap Create .

When a service request is created, a Pending icon will appear on the service request to indicate that the service request has not been synced yet. To perform a sync, tap the green map pin or the back arrow to return to the map.

5. Before the service request is synced, tap Questions to complete the questions.

A gray service request map pin is placed in the center of the map.

2. Tap the map to change the location of the request, then click Continue .

The next time you sync the app, the icon will disappear and the service request will be synced with the main system.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

iOS 6

Create an Attached Inspection

1. On the map, tap the layer icon in the lower- right corner. Tap an asset layer to make it selectable on the map, then tap Done . 2. Tap the Selection tool and drag your finger across the map to select assets.

The Asset Group and Asset Type fields automatically populate based on the selected assets but can be changed.

4. Select the desired inspection Template .

The Selected Assets field shows the number of assets selected on the map. An inspection will be created for each asset selected.

5. Tap Create .

When the inspection is created, a Pending icon will appear on the inspection to indicate that the inspection has not been synced yet.

The selected assets are highlighted on the map and a message appears that shows how many assets were selected. 3. Tap the plus sign in the lower-left corner of the map and tap Inspection on the Select work activity window. Note: You can control the visibility of asset layers on the map by tapping the Visible switch in the Layers list.

The next time you sync the app, the Pending icon will disappear and the inspection will be synced with the main system.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

iOS 6

Create an Attached Work Order

1. On the map, tap the layer icon in the lower- right corner. Tap an asset layer to make it selectable on the map, then tap Done . 2. Tap the Selection tool and drag your finger across the map to select assets.

The Asset Group and Asset Type fields automatically populate based on the selected assets but can be changed. 4. Select the desired work order Template .

The Selected Assets field shows the number of assets selected on the map. 5. Tap Type and select either Create a work order for EACH asset or Create a work order for ALL assets from the Select Type panel. Note: The ability to create a work order for each asset selected, or one work order for all assets selected is only available for Android 5.1 and newer. 6. Tap Create . When the work order is created, a Pending icon will appear on the work order to indicate that the work order has not yet been synced.

The selected assets are highlighted on the map and a message appears that shows how many assets were selected. 3. Tap the plus sign in the lower-left corner of the map and tap Work Order on the Select work order window. Note: You can control the visibility of asset layers on the map by tapping the Visible switch in the Layers list.

The next time you sync the app, the Pending icon will disappear and the work order will be synced with the main system.

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cityworks 15.3

Create an Activity from the Map

You can create a work order or inspection directly from the map using the Create Activity tool. 1. On the map, use the Legend tool to select the layer you would like to make selectable on the map. 2. Select a Selection tool and select the asset(s) on the map.

5. Select Work Order or Inspection from the Activity Type field. 6. Select the Template you would like to use. 7. Enter the information in the Proj Start Date , Submit To , and Priority fields. If you are creating a work order, select the Supervisor as well. 8. If you are creating a work order, select Group Assets to make one work order containing all the selected assets. If you do not select this, individual work orders will be created for each asset. 9. Click Create Work Order or Create Inspection .

The selected assets are highlighted on the map.

3. Open the Create Activity tool and click Selection . The assets selected on the map appear on the Selection tab.

4. Click Next .

Copyright© 2018 by Azteca Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Cityworks 15.3

Create an Event Layer

Event layers allow a user to display saved searches as a layer on the map. Event layers also allow a user to display saved searches as a layer on the map that can then be shared using EURL. 1. Open the map. 2. Click Event Layer from the Navigation panel.

6. Select the new event layer and click Edit to change the symbol that appears on the map.

7. Click Save . 8. Click Map Refresh at the bottom of the Event Layers panel to refresh the map.

The event layer appears on the map.

The Search Definitions and Event Layers panels open on the work management tab. 3. Select the desired saved search in the Search Definitions panel. 4. Click Add . The saved search appears in the Event Layers panel. 5. Click the Enabled check box to make the event layer visible on the map.

9. Hover your mouse over an individual record to view its details. 10. Use < Ctrl + click> to open the record.

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Cityworks 15.3

Move a Record that Appears in an Event Layer

1. Open the map and zoom to the record you wish to move.

4. Click Move Record .

5. Click on the map to select a new location for the record. The even record now appears in the new location.

2. Open the Data View tool and click the Events tab.

3. Click on the desired record.

Note: Moving the record does not change the original address of the work order, service request, or inspection.

The record will display in the Data View tool.

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