1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

186 Hot Cups. sweeten to taste, and mix. This can be used either as a cool or hot cup. Porter Cup. —Bottle of porter, wine-glass of sherry, ^ bottle of claret, ^ nutmeg (grated), sugar to taste. Mix the nutmeg and sherry; in a quarter of an hour, strain ; put these together, in a jug, with a slice of cucumber and a large lump of ice. Porter Cup.— Bottle of Burton (No. 1), bottle of London porter, pint of shaven ice, bottle of lemonade. Hot Cup. —Warm a pint of good ale ; add 1 oz. of sugar, 1 oz. of mixed spice, glass of sherry ; when nearly boiling, pour it on a round of buttered toast. *Tween-Deck Cup, or a Splitting Headache. — Put into \ pint of rum J- doz. crushed cloves, a little cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg ; strain in an hour, with pressure; add equal quantities of lime- juice, and 2 quarts of bottled ale. Copies Cup. —Stick a lemon full of cloves, which roast before a fire till of a dark brown; while roasting, make a mixture of J pint of brandy, J pint of noyeau, J oz. cinnamon (bruised); let this be well stirred; then put the lemon into a bowl, give it a squeeze with a spoon-; add a toast of bread, and lay the lemon on the bread ; add 4 oz. pounded sugar ; pour on 2 quarts of hot old ale;

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