1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)

188 Bishops. and nutmeg ; whisk up with a gill of cold ale and 2 oz. moist sugar 3 fresh eggs; when well frothed up, add the warm ale, by degrees, and a glass of spirits; when this is done, drink immediately. Bishop a la Cutler. —Beat the yolks of 8 eggs well up in a basin; add 4 pints of whisky, and 2 pints of boiling milk ; first add the milk to the eggs, then the whisky ; sweeten to taste ; grate in a little nutmeg and cloves. A Good Bishop. —Stick a good lemon full of cloves, which roast before the fire till it becomes a rich dark brown ; meanwhile pound together ^lb. loaf-sugar, a little grated nutmeg, ginger, cinna- mon, 2 cloves, 1 allspice, the thin rind of a lemon; place this mixture, when well incorporated, in a bowl by the side of the fire, adding J pint of water, \ pint of port wine (or Roussillon), 1 bottle of claret; strain all through muslin ; heat the mixture, but do not let it burn, and into the empty warm bowl drop in the lemon; give it a press - with the spoon ; add a wine-glass of cherry-brandy, and the mixture; keep it hot, and you will find this a really good bishop. N.B.—This bishop can be made the day previous, and mulled when required for use ; also used for port-wine cup.

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