Courtesy of Jim Broad

Jim's Mini Mag

Volume 39 Number 05

ARTFULLY ARRANGE ACCESSORIES Have you always been envious of those who can create a beautiful aesthetic on their mantles, shelves and tables with an assortment of accessories that just go together? Knowing what items to group together is an artform and some people have the skill and others have to work a bit harder to achieve it. To get you started, follow these basic steps: Choose a colour scheme - analogous, complimentary or contrast are your best choices with analogous being easiest to achieve. 1. Use layers - items in different heights, sizes and weights create depth and visual interest so don't be afraid to vary your items on display. 2. Grouping - an easy rule of thumb to follow is to group similar items together. Books with books, candles with candles, etc. 3. Negative space - sometimes having a space around or between bold objects creates the visual break the eye needs to really appreciate the items. Once you master the basics, experiment by adding in different colour choices, mixing up the items you currently have, etc. to find what pleases the eye the most.

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