The First Mates of North Channel Yacht Club Invite you to join them at the 2018 Annual Christmas Party Tuesday, December 4, 2018 – 6:00 p.m. Da Francesco’s 49521 Van Dyke – Shelby Twp., MI 48317

$35.00 per person (Includes dinner with cash bar) One bottle of red and one bottle of white wine is included on each table.

Reservations should be sent to Diane French 7306 Flamingo, Algonac, MI 48001 Cell: 586-243-7039 E-mail:

Make checks payable to NCYC First Mates. Deadline for reservations is November 26, 2018.

Raffle items are needed to make our party a success. Please bring your donation the night of the party.

The 2018 fundraiser will benefit seniors through the Algonac Lions Club. Please bring sample size personal items and we will wrap them at the party. Bags, tags and ribbon will be provided.

Any questions, please contact Colleen Braun, 586-242-9698

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