HS French Instructional Guide

ACT Writing Test Connections with Utah Core State Standards

Questions & Answers 1. What determines student success on the ACT writing test?

The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills students must master for college and career readiness. The ACT writing test measures the writing skills taught in high school English classes and entry-level college composition courses. Students must take a clear position on an issue; support that position with focused ideas, meaningful examples, and sound reasoning; and explain the significance of their ideas in the broader context of the issue. Student writing is measured on a four-trait rubric: ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language and conventions. 2. How is the ACT writing test constructed? ACT assesses only argumentative writing. No authentic stimulus text is provided; instead, students are presented with three different perspectives on a contemporary issue. Students are asked to analyze the perspectives and write an essay explaining their own position. Students are given 40 minutes to plan and write their essay. The writing test is not optional for ACT in Utah. 3. Are students asked to bring prior knowledge to the ACT writing test? Because the ACT does not provide a stimulus text, students must use general background knowledge of the issue and critical thinking skills to develop their position and ideas. 4. When and how should we begin preparing students for the ACT writing test? Teaching the depth and breadth of the Utah Core State Standards and building knowledge through content rich texts at all grade levels will prepare students to be successful on the ACT writing test. While the Utah Core State Standards for English Language Arts are organized by domain and grade level, the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards are organized by reporting category and score range. The ACT writing test is scored on a 12-point rubric. ACT Writing Score Range ACT Writing Standard Coding 3–4 200 5–6 300 7–8 400 9–10 500 11–12 600 Please note : This document is intended to highlight connections between the Utah Core State Standards and the ACT writing test, but it is not an exhaustive document that details every connection.


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