HS French Instructional Guide

so good using the vocabulary in this unit. Provide sentences frames (ex: je suis bon en Anglais , mais les maths c’est diffcile pour moi) ● Have students work in pairs/group. Tell them to take turns asking what time their classes are: use sentence frames to help your students ex: À quelle heure est ton cours de biologie? Mon cours est à….. Et toi? ● Create a survey ( Un sondage ) to go around the classroom to fnd out what classes are students enrolled in. Ask students what they think of their classes. Then present your fndings to the class or write a short summary. ● Students look at a picture of a school in France and ask students to write as many sentences in French as they can about people and what they are doing. ● Engage the student in more student-teacher conversation in French aside from regularly planned activities or group the student with other advanced learners who are ready for more challenging dialog. ● Have students provide extended responses/more details. ● Have students recognize and read the new vocabulary orally. ● Make a resource list for fast fnishers –sentence frames, grammar resources, and stories


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