1934 Cocktail Bill Boothby's World Drinks and how to mix them


LOCOMOTIVE 2 jiggers Curacoa 1 spoon Egg 2 spoons Spice

Claret Honey

^ jigger

yolk of one

Sugar Syrup to taste Mix all well and bring to boil in pan. Stir until smooth and sufficiently cooled. Pour into Tom and Jerry mug, spice to taste, add slice of lemon and serve with spoon.



1}^ jiggers Rum

1 spoon to taste

Sugar Syrup

2 spoons Nutmeg

Hot Milk 2 jiggers Stir all in tall highball glass, grate nutmeg over and serve with spoon. (N. B.: Whisky may be substituted for brandy in this recipe.)

MILK TODDIES Choice of Liquor 1^^ jiggers Hot Milk

154 jiggers Stir choice of liquors with hot milk in highball glass, grate nutmeg over and serve with spoon.

MONKEY PUNCH 1% jiggers Sugar Syrup

St. Julien

1 spoon

Spice to fill Stir all in highball glass, add slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon. MULLED ALE Ale 4 jiggers Pewter Mug Place an iron bar or poker heated to white heat slowly into liquid and when same is sufficiently hot serve with spoon. (N. B.: Porter may be substituted for ale in this recipe.) to taste Hot Water

MULLED WINE Choice of Wine...2 jiggers Hot Water

to fill


1 spoon Sugar Syrup

2 spoons

Verbena 1 leaf Heat wine to boiling point, add other ingredients, pour into tall highball glass and serve with spoon.(N, B.: The whites of two eggs beaten into a froth may be added to this recipe.)



1% jiggers Sugar Syrup to taste Hot Water

1 spoon

Spice to fill Stir all in highball glass, dust spice over and serve with spoon.

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