Faces of iPROMOTEu


Bend Oregon

Q Group

how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS? iPROMOTEu saved our business. By having so much of our administrative duties now handled by iPROMOTEu’s staff, we have peace of mind knowing that order financing is not an issue, an amazing support system to rectify any vendor issues, and the best pricing in the market with so many suppliers, which gives us a huge advantage with our competitors. We are now able to focus on and engage in the aspects of the

an adjective that describes me: OPTIMISTIC

business that we love: customer service, creative client projects, and being proactive as opposed to just reactive. In addition, iPROMOTEu has the best minds to reach out to for: marketing ideas, researching unusual product requests, and exceptional offshore vendors. We can network with other affiliates and support each other in an otherwise competitive environment. We have the luxury of working with professionals daily who handle all the aspects of our orders and help give priority to time sensitive jobs. We can go on vacation knowing that we have back office and sales support professionals who understand our business and are truly part of our team and partners in our mutual success. iPROMOTEu is the mechanism we needed and continue to need to be more successful in the business and to be at the top of our industry.


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