Faces of iPROMOTEu


how has iPROMOTEu changed MY BUSINESS?

how has iPROMOTEu changed MY LIFE? We started making real money! With iPROMOTEu helping our business go in the right direction and with the growth in sales, the money followed. Having a family of five, it’s nice to be able to provide and take care of all that is needed. It’s nice to be able to take a vacation without worrying about sales. I don’t worry as much as I used to about making sales because my pipeline is full and I have plenty of resources behind me with iPROMOTEu. I can plan for the future rather than worry about the past. Life is great! Ross, you are a great friend and I appreciate everything that you and all the others at iPROMOTEu have done for me and my family. iPROMOTEu gave us a chance to start over, to look at the industry from a different point of view and to become true professionals. Our network of contacts exploded, suppliers that would never talk to us all of sudden wanted to meet. Within seven years of joining iPROMOTEu, our business has doubled twice in sales. I feel as if iPROMOTEu took us from just another promotional products distributor to a truly elite top-of-the-industry professional company. Team Iowa was recently recognized as the Best Promotional Products business in our metro area by the Cedar Rapids Business Journal. We realize that our success has come from a lot of hard work and also a little good luck, but we also realize that iPROMOTEu gave us the resources, tools, support, direction, encouragement and vision to see the big picture of what we could become and the success that we could have. For this we are forever grateful and thankful to iPROMOTEu and Ross for your direction, friendship and all that you have done for us. In 2008, our community suffered the worst floods in the history of our state, described as a 500-year flood. Shortly thereafter the economy tanked in 2010. We had our 4 top clients affected by both the flood and economic issues. I was currently working in a family business that was going through changes as well. I was in a personal life slump, sales were down and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do as far as staying in the industry as a distributor or supplier or do something else completely unrelated. I figured I had one last shot to make it work in the promotional products industry, but I knew I had to try something different. I attended PPAI in 2010 with numerous meetings scheduled with affiliations and a spreadsheet with boxes that I checked for each option that I like or disliked. I spent some time with Pat Caccamo and eventually Ross and Rick. I remember calling my wife after our meeting and telling her that I had found us a new home. I left PPAI that year with more optimism and a renewed sense of energy, something that I hadn’t felt in sometime.

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