ENTSOG GRIP South - Main Report

4.4 KeyConclusions

on theRegional Overview of theSupply TheSouthRegion ishighlydependent on importsof natural gaswith less than0.7% of gasconsumedbeingproducedby thecountry itself. Thishighdependenceongas imports outlines a few key important factors when choosing supply sources, for ex- ample the diversification and flexibility of supplies to prevent over dependence on just one source. There is a roughly equal split between the import of gas as LNG and viapipelines in the SouthRegion, however it is not homogeneous on each country showing a high- er share inSpain andPortugal. LNG imports arehighly developed, providing a lot of the diversification of the SouthRegion’s import basket. Being highly diverse, the import portfolio in the SouthRegion has gas coming from 13 different countries, not including trade between countries in the South Region itself. The TYNDP 2013–2022 potential supply appears to show that there will generally be significant supply flexibility in the future. However, some uncertainties exist: it could take a long time to develop these potential supplies and the associated infra- structures; moreover, supply potential for Europe will also depend on the demand situation throughout the rest of world, which attract a greater and greater proportion of the gasmarket.

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ENTSOG–GRIPSouth 2013–2022

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