ENTSOG GRIP South - Main Report

Todaymarket players are not keen to commit on long term for lack of visibility over futuremarket trends. This climate of uncertainty inEurope has to bemitigatedwith clearer Energy Policy on the role of the natural gas on long term in order to secure the cost-effectiveness of these investments for themarket as well as the support of the competent authorities. To support this development, on 17 April 2013, the European Parliament adopted regulation 347 /2013 on “guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure”. Through this guideline, the European Commission is encouraging market parti­ cipants to perform cost-benefit analyses to select the Projects of Common Interest and support their development through accelerated permit granting, improved Regulatory treatment and Financial support. Natural gasmust play a pivotal role in the energy transition, with its great flexibility combinedwithhigh energy efficiency to generate electricity, provide heating and as fuel. On longer terms, the emergence of biogas and “power to gas” are new assets supporting the development of carbonneutral gas supply by 2050.

Image courtesy of REN–Gasodutos

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ENTSOG–GRIPSouth 2013–2022

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