2013 Summer Newsletter

The William C. Quantrill exhibit is now open. This exhibit depicts the movements of Quantrill’s guerrillas as they moved across Miami County on their journey to burn Lawrence KS on August 21, 1863. There are maps showing their route across four counties and Quantrill’s hurried retreat from the Army just west of Paola. Come in to the Museum and read the entire story.

The stairs leading to the rental space above the museum had to be replaced. It was discovered that the wall on the museum need to be weather proofed while the brick wall on the Gauge building was in bad shape. Triangle Builders repaired the damaged walls and installed a new flight of steps which the renter “David Gross” was very pleased with.

The Miniature Art Show had two sisters from Canada in to view the art. They were down from Lawrence where they had been visiting with their mother and another sister. The lady on the left is Rhona Wenger, director of a Art Gallery in Grimsby, Ontario. Ileana Wenger hails from Bowden, Alberta where she is a veterinarian. Dr. Ileana has a sheep ranch where she raises Romanov sheep that come from Russia. She sells her pure bread ewes and embryos all over the world.

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